
Totally agree. The guy has got to be told. I think John Terry should have a "word" with him. The manner in which he rode David Dunn's challenge then fell over 10 yards later was a total farce...
Which challenge would that be? The one where he very obviously got poked in the eye? I don't know if you've been poked in the eye before. It takes a second or two to hurt but when it does it's painful as all hell.

I spent most of this game cursing Drogba. Seriously. I was even arguing with a fellow Chelsea fan who defended him. From the stupid apparent arm-ball (ok, he got away with it but why give the newspapers more ammunition to lambaste the team when we would have won anyway?) to the way he fell down at one point when his knee got clipped. Not to mention the couple of goal scoring opportunities he missed.

But the poke in the eye, if that's the Dunn challenge I'm thinking of, was legitimate and he came off for at least 5 minutes after it.

The real story of this match was David James. Another virtuoso performance against Chelsea. I swear he becomes super-human when playing against us. It could have been 5-0 were it not for him.
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I agree about James, which is why I'm always amazed at how well he plays against Chelsea. The saves he made in the 0-0 draw at Stamford Bridge last year were unbelievable.

I totally withdraw my support for Drogba. Just read his comments to BBC from last night. What an idiot :evil:
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I rest my case. The interview after the game said it all.


Oh, and yet another "accidental" handball. Disgraceful.................
wookie said:
Totally agree. The guy has got to be told. I think John Terry should have a "word" with him. The manner in which he rode David Dunn's challenge then fell over 10 yards later was a total farce...

would that be Richard Dunne?? ;)

Cheating Mo Fo

there are clearly 2 sets of rules in the premship at the moment, the rules of football and the Stamford Bridge version.:evil:
Morbyd said:
Which challenge would that be? The one where he very obviously got poked in the eye? I don't know if you've been poked in the eye before. It takes a second or two to hurt but when it does it's painful as all hell.

no, you're right -none of us have ever been poked in the eye before john:rolleyes::rolleyes: . (but the last time it happened to me, i don't remember my legs stopping working;)

Morbyd said:
From the stupid apparent arm-ball

never in the history of the game of football have i ever heard the expression "arm-ball". not even as a joke.:confused: :rolleyes:
I know the proper terminology is handball, grego, so I fail to see what's achieved by pointing that out.

I think i typed that because the ball bounced off his arm at elbow level, as opposed to last week when he actually used his hand. The semantics aren't important, are they? It was a bad judgement call either way.

As for Drogba's eye poke, see message above where support withdrawn. I want nothing to do with defending his conduct anymore.
Morbyd said:
I know the proper terminology is handball, grego, so I fail to see what's achieved by pointing that out.

I think i typed that because the ball bounced off his arm at elbow level, as opposed to last week when he actually used his hand. The semantics aren't important, are they? It was a bad judgement call either way.

re: jj's "touch-up" last week, well the proper terminology is touchdown but "i fail to see what's acheived by pointing that out".:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

nothing has to be achieved, thats just what its called.;)
grego said:
re: jj's "touch-up" last week, well the proper terminology is touchdown but "i fail to see what's acheived by pointing that out".:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
which is why I didn't point it out :rolleyes:

It's ok, grego. Sometimes I just need a little reminder that despite the fact that most will insist otherwise, many Brits (especially on this board) with strong opinions are not prepared to have civil conversations with people from other cultures and backgrounds and accept a variety of viewpoints. I've dealt with this in my work but even moreso on here. This goes double when football is involved.

So I didn't use the proper technical term, so let's ridicule me. Maybe Nitefly can use it in his signature and Barbie can fill another message with these -> :lol: As Fatphil points out, another classic. To be honest, I'd initially written "hand-ball" but changed it to reflect where the ball actually hit Drogba... bad move! If you'd asked me what the term for the offense was, you would have heard hand-ball.

I talk football on here because I don't have many people around during the week who follow the EPL as closely. No, you can't expect me to talk about it the same way you do because I'm from a different country with a different outlook. Instead of accepting that as a difference of opinion and viewpoint, I just get ridiculed.
Morbyd said:
I talk football on here because I don't have many people around during the week who follow the EPL as closely. No, you can't expect me to talk about it the same way you do because I'm from a different country with a different outlook. Instead of accepting that as a difference of opinion and viewpoint, I just get ridiculed.

boo hoo hoo :cry: :cry: :cry: !!!!!!!:lol:

(as i've said before jm, i love windin you up;) )