Drinks :)


New Member
Are the drinks in the big clubs really as expensive as they say they are?! No thanks to the credit crunch £1 is only equal to about €1.1!!!! So yeah £10 a drink is a lil annoyin! What about the smaller clubs in san antonio are they much cheaper? Anyone know how much a glass of wine is please?! ♥ ThanX :)
Yeh... what you heard is true..

In Space, Amnesia, Pacha etc your looking at between 7 and 10EUR for a bottle of water, and a very small bottle at that. 12 and 15EUR for spirit and mixer and 20EUR for a Vodka redbull..

Im not too sure on wine prices, dont think many clubs sell it to be honest.

Take a look at the link below for more info

Hmmm how do we think this recession thing is going to affect drink prices?

Surely if there are cuts in interest rates, travel firms doing 'redundancy marketing' offering cover during booking, price wars on the high st etc etc...surely the clubs will start to think in this way too? No? (no I didn't think so either - wishful thinking on my part.)

Will anybody going to this ridiculously expensive island when all the British champagne-swilling high fliers are reduced to benefit scrounging street drinkers? :eek:
http://www.spotlight-forums.com/showthread.php?t=59575 have a read through these - should answer your questions.

use the search facility - its a great tool and personally I think fact finding before your holiday is all part of the fun.

Dont forget to check out the clubbing calendar also on this site - it usually starts to get updated around March/April.

Happy searching..... 8)
Hmmm how do we think this recession thing is going to affect drink prices?

Surely if there are cuts in interest rates, travel firms doing 'redundancy marketing' offering cover during booking, price wars on the high st etc etc...surely the clubs will start to think in this way too? No? (no I didn't think so either - wishful thinking on my part.)

Will anybody going to this ridiculously expensive island when all the British champagne-swilling high fliers are reduced to benefit scrounging street drinkers? :eek:

If I have to cut down on my champagne/party lifestyle whilst on the white isle - I think its just not worth going... :lol::lol::lol:

Actually Rob the point you make is perfectly sensible, but I cant see it happening. In Cyprus (not Ibiza by any stretch of the imagination) the holidaymaker numbers are really really low and have been for the past 2 years so what they do, is think to themselves - hmmmm we arent making a lot of money now cos the numbers are low - I know we'll put all the prices up so what holiday makers there are will make up for the losses"

... hmmmm we arent making a lot of money now cos the numbers are low -
I know we'll put all the prices up so what holiday makers there are
will make up for the losses" :lol::lol::lol:
actually some dumb****s are so dumb as F
that they DO this !
if you wanna save money, swerve the clubs, buy your drinks in the supermarkets, do cultural things and go for long walks and pedalo rides instead. Or if you're feeling really hedonistic, microdots and sunsets - cheap as chips.

no point complaining about extortionate clubs just because sterling's having a rough time - they're not there (as morbyd has said before) just to serve Brits. They'll simply make their money off other gullible international tourists instead.

Have you been in a coma since 1992 or have you just got better friends than me? :eek:

Where? How?


Better change the subject immediately. :lol:

I'm really looking forward to another smelly hippy revolution a-la 1969 - the biggest recession for 100 years does bode very well indeed for the social calendar.

Ibiza was ripe for this in 69 and 89 but with people inevitably becoming less brand focused, the new "exclusive", expensive Ibiza will definitely drop off the radar of coolness.

It's still possible to create that DIY spirit over there but sadly the authorities and clubs seem to enjoy pi$$ing on everyone's parade. :rolleyes:
actually some dumb****s are so dumb as F
that they DO this !

Yup - the bars were dead in Nov (its usually very busy at that time of year) but the streets were dead, what bars open were practically empty, unless showing the football - in fact more staff than punters in most places.....
Have you been in a coma since 1992 or have you just got better friends than me? :eek:

Where? How?


well, when we left space (still fairly traumatised, it must be stressed) the beach seemed like true escapist paradise, so we headed down and were immediately accosted by these Italians who seemed to imply they had some to trade. But they were full of macro-bull and seemed like chancers, so nothing came of it. However, my point is that kind of experience would've been highly welcome at that point. Although swimming in the sea was still pretty nice even in my existing state.

I'm really looking forward to another smelly hippy revolution a-la 1969 - the biggest recession for 100 years does bode very well indeed for the social calendar.

Ibiza was ripe for this in 69 and 89 but with people inevitably becoming less brand focused, the new "exclusive", expensive Ibiza will definitely drop off the radar of coolness.

It's still possible to create that DIY spirit over there but sadly the authorities and clubs seem to enjoy pi$$ing on everyone's parade.

^^ 100% agree - but HOW when The Man has such a stranglehold there... :confused: