Drinking Water in Ibizan Clubs....

Stu Hirst

Active Member
I know there has been some rather large work carried out in Ibiza to sort out the drinking water problem - but what are the clubs like? (eg Eden, Space etc?). Is it safe to drink the tap water?
Let's face it, with two weeks of eating out and beer-a-plenty, having a dose of the shits is inevitable, but will drinking the tap water lead to any nasty complications?

I grudge parting with half a years' salary just to stay alive in clubs like Pacha.......
:lol: :lol: :lol:
i wouldn't drink the tap water from the clubs. it must probably salt water.

unfourtunately you have to get buggered like the rest of us and buy bottle water.
i wouldn't chance it Stu

even if the island had sorted it out completely (which it hasn't)

the clubs aren't gonna let the cash fountain (scuse the pun) of 8€ bottles of water go
macdonsj said:
i wouldn't chance it Stu

even if the island had sorted it out completely (which it hasn't)

the clubs aren't gonna let the cash fountain (scuse the pun) of 8€ bottles of water go

I thought as much, just wondered if any clubs had changed since last year !
When me and my cousin went in 2002, we stayed in our hotel and drank and played music until it was time to go to Eden/Amnesia.

Then clocked a few bars on the way.

We were in the clubs all night and early morning and I can only ever remember having 1 or 2 beers in the time I was there. We seemed to survive ok.

Not to be a party pooper, but if you stay off the dehydrating stuff like certain drugs then why would you have a problem.

I did have a drink from the taps (maybe foolishly) in Eden and lived to tell the tale.

I actually got the mild shits from hotel tap water, when I got in early from Gods and just thought sod it.

But went oot on the beers and sorted it.
It's the principle of the thing really, it's almost cheaper to get a small bottle of champagne as it is to get water in Pacha. I would rather not line the pockets of greedy club owners if it could be helped !

The Radio One Space party last year was scary, I have never sweat so much in my entire life and we were all sober - it's not a healthy state to be in.
Dehydration can be as dangerous as any drug people wish to take and is something to be hugely wary of.
Yeah but surely anyone taking dehydrating drugs should be prepared to pay for the water.

If you don't wanna pay then don't take em?

As I said I never needed any water in Eden, they are air-conditioned after all!
I'm not talking about people who take drugs. That obviously isn't going to help matters, but in general, bodily water loss in Ibizan clubs is HUGE and the clubs do little to ensure the safety of their paying punters.
You don't have to be taking drugs to dehydrate.

It's always been my opinion that clubs should provide free drinking water (eg in Britain you can get around it by drinking from the taps). And this isn't just for people who decide to take drugs.
Stu Hirst said:
It's always been my opinion that clubs should provide free drinking water (eg in Britain you can get around it by drinking from the taps). And this isn't just for people who decide to take drugs.

I think it's actually law in this country (England) that clubs have free drinking water. I remember once when i was ina club filling up my bottle in the toilets, a bouncer told me to get out, and that I wasn't allowed to fill my bottle up in there. So I said to him, 'Isn't it law that you have to have free drinking water available?'

He told me that all I had to do was go up to the bar and ask! I went off with a filled bottle of ice cool water :)

I have absolutely no idea what the law is Ibiza - probably nothing like over here - but I'll soon find out I suppose..... Saturday beckons :!:
Don't be mean now and laugh at my desparation: I drank the water at Space and it was ok. Pretty salty but only a bit more so than them sports drinks. It is clean water, since it is treated to European standards. But it is salty since it comes from the sea.

So not the best way to look after yourselves but after 12-14 hours in Space and no cash in the pocket it may be your only chance. And you do need salt. So you could alternate a big drink of water from the tap with a clean bottle of water?

Or you could do what we also did - as soon as people put down their glasses with just the ice left, grab them and take the ice. Don't let them see you and don't hang around but you know survival of the fittest is the name of the game. What's a boy to do when Danny Tenaglia was driving you up the wall? Plead insanity if caught :lol:
Why dont you just buy a bottle of water b4 u go in and hide it somewhere outside the club like mayb the bushes, then go out and get it when you need it :idea: , I guess this wud only work when you can get in and out easy without getting hassle from ass hole door men. :twisted:
The tap water in Privilege is supplied from a nautral spring making it safe to drink
BCboy said:
Don't be mean now and laugh at my desparation: I drank the water at Space and it was ok. Pretty salty but only a bit more so than them sports drinks. It is clean water, since it is treated to European standards. But it is salty since it comes from the sea.

So not the best way to look after yourselves but after 12-14 hours in Space and no cash in the pocket it may be your only chance. And you do need salt. So you could alternate a big drink of water from the tap with a clean bottle of water?

Or you could do what we also did - as soon as people put down their glasses with just the ice left, grab them and take the ice. Don't let them see you and don't hang around but you know survival of the fittest is the name of the game. What's a boy to do when Danny Tenaglia was driving you up the wall? Plead insanity if caught :lol:


So not the best way to look after yourselves but after 12-14 hours in Space and no cash in the pocket it may be your only chance. And you do need salt. So you could alternate a big drink of water from the tap with a clean bottle of water?

I think its actually Potassium you need, which is found in foods such as Banana's, try eating some salt when youre dehydrated and see what happens....CRAMP!, Bigtime.
Nah - you do need salt...

If you have low salt levels - you'll pass out :!:
low salt levels is what leads to the shits and vomiting.
In fact if you drink too much water too fast it can cause serious problems because it is diluting your salt levels (electrolytes) even more, and you are sweating out alot of electrolytes.
That's why it is better to drink OJ or Red bull something to replenish.

It's called Hyponatremia
What I did is buy a bottle of water, ask for a glass of ice with it, then jus drank it as it melted. Kept 1/2 the bottle of water and jus kept going to the bar, showing them the bottle of water, and asked for a glass of ice for it. Worked everytime :D
Never had any stomach troubles :roll:
wow, i'm beginning to wonder how i'm still alive...i drank the tap water in privilege like there was no tomorrow but definetely too salty in space...and got charged for my ice, making note of the bottle of water trick :) starting to think i could make a nice fortune selling water in ibiza :lol: