drinking & drugs in ibiza.


New Member
goin to ibiza soon for the first time.
noticed that everyone seems to go out pretty much every night... at the clubs, do most people do drugs, or drink alcohol or both?
out of curiousity..
goin to ibiza soon for the first time.
noticed that everyone seems to go out pretty much every night... at the clubs, do most people do drugs, or drink alcohol or both?
out of curiousity..

well, this is the truth, ive been to ibiza 8 times, and ive never ever touched anything drug wise, not just in ibiza but here in the U.K, and no, im not a muppet, its just ive never felt the need to try drugs at all. dont get me wrong, i love a good drink. have my fair share of that, but as for drugs ive never been tempted, never wanted to try them. i dont need them, im into house and love clubbing especially ibiza. but ive been with mates loads of times to ibiza and they have always tried them and tried to get me to have some too but it aint me.

im quite happy having a good drink and dancing until the early hours.

anyone agree/disagree????

be quite interesting to hear :?: other peoples views on this
Do what you want to do, its your life...just make sure whatever you decide is your choice and not from peer pressure or similar.

Cup of coffee and a mars bar every couple of hours keeps me going through the night. May have a lucozade on the way home.
well, this is the truth, ive been to ibiza 8 times, and ive never ever touched anything drug wise, not just in ibiza but here in the U.K, and no, im not a muppet, its just ive never felt the need to try drugs at all. dont get me wrong, i love a good drink. have my fair share of that, but as for drugs ive never been tempted, never wanted to try them. i dont need them, im into house and love clubbing especially ibiza. but ive been with mates loads of times to ibiza and they have always tried them and tried to get me to have some too but it aint me.

im quite happy having a good drink and dancing until the early hours.

anyone agree/disagree????

be quite interesting to hear :?: other peoples views on this

so why do you feel the need to have a good drink? is there any difference from taking drugs to gettin steaming?just different ways to alter your state of mind.
well, this is the truth, ive been to ibiza 8 times, and ive never ever touched anything drug wise, not just in ibiza but here in the U.K, and no, im not a muppet, its just ive never felt the need to try drugs at all. dont get me wrong, i love a good drink. have my fair share of that, but as for drugs ive never been tempted, never wanted to try them. i dont need them, im into house and love clubbing especially ibiza. but ive been with mates loads of times to ibiza and they have always tried them and tried to get me to have some too but it aint me.

im quite happy having a good drink and dancing until the early hours.

anyone agree/disagree????

be quite interesting to hear :?: other peoples views on this

have a read of this thread http://www.spotlight-forums.com/showthread.php?t=49550 the debate raged earlier today alreday we are not starting again