Doormen at Space

While it might not be legal for the security to search down pants and behind bras, all that will happen if you refuse is that they won't let you in. It's not a battle that can be won really... sad as it is.
They looked in my pants when i use to go to DC10 and well you cant say no or they will arrest you...but you can have a look on the internet if they are allowed, if they do it, then they are allowed i presume...maybe McRackin can help you on that...
last year i was searched twice by guardia civil while goin to dc10... and both times in the same night haha

one of the policemen stretched my pants and looked at my -u know what- i was kinda shocked and didnt say anything, actually i thought it's a normal procedure in places like dc10 hhaahah

they also checked my cigarettes pack like i was hiding drugs there or smth...

funniest thing is that they didnt check in most popular place for people to hide all the illegal stuff called socks hehe :)
how can any doorman/door woman look down lads pants or girls knickers, that is just wrong, i know the spanish are a bit behind the times compared to britain, but isnt there some kind of technology that can detect illegal substances like here..not once hav i seen a sniffer dog in ibiza
i´ve seen police with dogs @ space-parking, amnesia-parking and dc10-parking.
no idea if they were "sniffer"dogs or "normal" dogs to bite some ass :-)

I'll second that, saw the police with dogs a few times. Never had any bother from em though.
Bizarrely I took a small item into dc10 inside my ear :twisted::twisted: didn think of that while they were emptying my fag box did they 8)
Just back from some of the Openings, pretty lax this year, Bouncers at Space glanced into my bag and didnt even notice the two water bottles filled with vodka!!