Doncaster Rave

Pure Gold :D

Every time I watch it I have a different favourite. Sloth with the busy hands is todays champ. Go on son!
The good old days orderly rows of people munted standing in place. The smoke break was had on the dance floor without a drink in sight.
This vid is an absolute classic. Tall guy at 07:00 - :lol::lol::lol: ! An unselfconscious gurnathon all round. Dancefloors are so posey now when you look back on those days - we were all so munted no-one gave a sh!t what anyone looked like as we were enjoying ourselves too much :lol: !! If memory serves, cheap speed, Doves & shrooms were ... er... NOT involved :lol: !!

The good old days orderly rows of people munted standing in place. The smoke break was had on the dance floor without a drink in sight.

The nights I remember were usually a bit less restrained .. more manic dancing with the smokes rather than breaks :lol: .. heaven knows how many burns we gave each other - only ever found the holes the next day !! ..

Then again I also allegedly went to the odd Goa Trance 'do' round that time (I think it was round that time anyway :confused:) .. I blame psy entirely for my enduring need for dance space .. and my benign tolerance of wild-eyed dreadlocked Fenlanders bearing baskets of funghi ! :lol:
I think psychedelics translate really well to the dance floor - it makes everything a little more mystical*.

The Garage/Loft template was built on vegetarian slop, acid punch and iced tap water.

* tho music should come first obvs.
I've only done shrooms in the house and both times the experience got edgy. At that point, you think 'I'll put on some soothing music', only to find it sounds like a warped tape and not very soothing at all. :lol: It is proof that they even mess with your sense of time! Next time I do shrooms, I'll stick to a low dose, try and get outside and maybe have a wee bit of mandy first to put me in a good mood.