doing my democratic duty

Thanks for the explanation.
THis is like when the conservatories here organised a big massive demostration agains the gay weddings and offered bus + sandwich to thousnads of retireds to go to the demostration :lol: ;)
Who ruffled your feathers tory boy - remember what happened last time?



biding our time. and in old schoollike fashion, we're not showing anyone anything... only cos we know its gonna get copied and have a red sticker stuck on it.

Thanks for the explanation.
THis is like when the conservatories here organised a big massive demostration agains the gay weddings and offered bus + sandwich to thousnads of retireds to go to the demostration :lol: ;)

a conservatory is a big a green house type extension people get for the back of their house.:lol:

a conservative is what you mean.;) :D
Thanks for the explanation.
THis is like when the conservatories here organised a big massive demostration agains the gay weddings and offered bus + sandwich to thousnads of retireds to go to the demostration :lol: ;)

I think technically the parties in the US are forbidden from doing that... the most I think they can do is get unpaid volunteers to give pensioners a ride to the polling stations, or stuff like that.

I've seen demonstrations in Russia organized that way, though... best way to get pensioners and students into the streets :lol:
(sometimes they threaten students with bad grades too :eek: )
Hahaha...Let's leave it here for now, otherwise that will be me and you on one for rest of the week!:lol:

See you soon for ringside seats for the Brown Cameron title fight though!

Although, I'm no lover of Brown (fnarr fnarr)

I think technically the parties in the US are forbidden from doing that... the most I think they can do is get unpaid volunteers to give pensioners a ride to the polling stations, or stuff like that.

I've seen demonstrations in Russia organized that way, though... best way to get pensioners and students into the streets :lol:
(sometimes they threaten students with bad grades too :eek: )

Did I said conservatory? :eek: :lol:

It's forbidden to do that to covnince them to vote, but for a demonstration and even to full up meetings and all that **** the sandwich and bus pack works a threat
ya ****in looney liberal. :lol:

like theres loads of people i know who would never vote for the coonts in red!

I've never voted for either :lol: just lib dems :eek:

probably would vote conservative - I'm quite a tactical voter and if I thought labour was too strong I'd vote conservative if my district was swinging that way to ensure they had a strong opposition.
Everybody loves 'em :lol:

There were some questions in Ohio... which happened to be the state upon which the whole electoral vote hinged (ala Florida in '00). The Republicans are at fault, of course :lol:

As a footnote, the Ohio Republican offical who was in charge of voting in '04 just lost his campaign for a different post... I think for the House of Reps. Most analysts blamed his poor performance in his previous job...

apparently the exit poll vs. the actual result in ohio was so different that had it been independently monitored like they do when some dictator holds an election, the result wouldn't have been accepted :lol:,2808,DRMN_24736_5126525,00.html

Pro-pot proposal takes a big hit

Overwhelmingly, voters just saying no to legalization

Ahmad Terry

November 8, 2006

By about a 2-1 ratio, voters snuffed out a measure that would have allowed adults 21 and over to possess up to an ounce of marijuana.

With 701 precincts reporting, it appeared to be doomed to defeat, especially since it was barely getting a split vote in traditionally liberal Boulder County.


BTW I am terrified of the new speaker of the house...