doing my democratic duty


Active Member
so I voted today... pretty much just to vote yes on an amendment to leagalize the possesion of one ounce of marijuana. go democracy!
well done tyson,

we make a joke of it here but it winds me up when people don't take the chance to participate in the democratic process and then moan when policies are implemented that impact on them.

even if you abstain/spoil your vote, that is still valuable.

well done tyson,

we make a joke of it here but it winds me up when people don't take the chance to participate in the democratic process and then moan when policies are implemented that impact on them.

even if you abstain/spoil your vote, that is still valuable.


Not voting is a political option too
Not really. Not voting is the absence of political action. It does nothing to affect government either way.


It is a political option: the option that you don't like any party and you don't trust the system.
Of course there's people who don't vote cos they are lazy and they just don't bother but if it's a meditated (¿?) election it's a political option.

Last week we had regional elections after three years very tense in the political scene. The abstention (sp) was huge and that was something all the politicians agreed that the people is saying something with this abstention
agreed, but it is much more effective to vote for nobody/abstain/en blanco than to not vote at all.

It's different.
White vote = I don't think any party can represent me
non voting = I don't think any party can represent me and I don't trust the system / I don't care who wins cos at the end of the day everything will be the same (this is who most non-voting catalans think at the moment)
It's different.
White vote = I don't think any party can represent me
non voting = I don't think any party can represent me and I don't trust the system / I don't care who wins cos at the end of the day everything will be the same (this is who most non-voting catalans think at the moment)

i don't know if a white vote means something different to over here but the reasons you gave for non voting are the same as what i'd understand as a white vote/spoiling your vote/abstaining. and by abstaining i mean actually going to the polling booth and submitting your vote with nothing on it or it spoiled.

non voting in your defintion assumes that everyone who doesn't vote is of that opinion. the truth is that many will jsut be too lazy to vote.
i don't know if a white vote means something different to over here but the reasons you gave for non voting are the same as what i'd understand as a white vote/spoiling your vote/abstaining. and by abstaining i mean actually going to the polling booth and submitting your vote with nothing on it or it spoiled.

non voting in your defintion assumes that everyone who doesn't vote is of that opinion. the truth is that many will jsut be too lazy to vote.

It can be both itnerpretations ;)
And I said before I am talking about people who consider all the options and then decide not to vote, I'm not talking about lazy people who prefer going to the beach instead going voting
Now there's a suggestion. Does a party in "yr" [sic] pants count?


We have a "antitaurino" party, which it means against bull fighting and who have great animal protection progrmas.
We also have a Cannabis party who had few thousand votes in Catalunya elections :D
so I voted today... pretty much just to vote yes on an amendment to leagalize the possesion of one ounce of marijuana. go democracy!,2808,DRMN_24736_5126525,00.html

Pro-pot proposal takes a big hit

Overwhelmingly, voters just saying no to legalization

Ahmad Terry

November 8, 2006

By about a 2-1 ratio, voters snuffed out a measure that would have allowed adults 21 and over to possess up to an ounce of marijuana.

With 701 precincts reporting, it appeared to be doomed to defeat, especially since it was barely getting a split vote in traditionally liberal Boulder County.

We have a "antitaurino" party, which it means against bull fighting and who have great animal protection progrmas.
We also have a Cannabis party who had few thousand votes in Catalunya elections :D
Both of these parties sound great. Bull fighting is not very nice. Cannabis is lovely.

Both of these parties sound great. Bull fighting is not very nice. Cannabis is lovely.


Bull fighting is a national shamefulness :confused: :( :x :oops: :cry:

The only good thing about this last electins is that now we have 6 parties in the parliment
It can be both itnerpretations ;)
And I said before I am talking about people who consider all the options and then decide not to vote, I'm not talking about lazy people who prefer going to the beach instead going voting

i agree with you, although the problem is that you cannot separate/know the quantity of those who have abstained after consideration and those who were too lazy.:D
i agree with you, although the problem is that you cannot separate/know the quantity of those who have abstained after consideration and those who were too lazy.:D

If there is a big increase on those who doesn't vote it's quite possible to predict it