documentry about ibiza channel 4 tonight.

Dont think HM's consulate would pursue a complaint unless they were sure it had some element of truth.....

Fairly pedestrian stuff for CH4. Interviews with the backdrop of Es Vedra made for a good frame.
believe the story or not but i could see the police doing something like that. i know its a different island but you've got to think they'd be similar in Mallorca as in Ibiza, and lets be honest the Guardia in Ibiza can go a bit OTT at times.

I agree.
I've witnessed some instances myself on a few occasions. I understand it's a hard job for the police having to deal with all sorts of trouble brought by mainly disrespectul drunks but sometimes they do go on about a bit heavy handed, same goes for some bouncers.
Same here, one example i saw was a lad went up to the Guardia and asked for the time. 2 of them started to hit him until he ran off. He wasn't even pissed or being a tit.
In a way their heavy handed ways makes you respect them more. Over here you can give the cops no respect and its shows. in ibiza you wouldn't say a word to them.
The Guardia Cival like soldiers, are stationed in barracks where they can live with their families.

They are posted away from their local communities to ensure non biased policing. The dont have very much time for disorderly tourists :)
I'm not so sure I believed that kids story that got tasered!

I mean why was he so reluctnat to report it, and did you hear his story! 'i was walking up this alleyway, and a prostitute was demanding payment' haha youve just said she was demanding payment, so must of provided a 'service', then when he refused to pay, she called in her back up, in his words some 'gypsies' who beat him up!

Then the police came along and apparently tasered him!

Take the police out the story, you have a kid whos been with a hooker, and refused to pay, and its got out of hand, now hes all embarressed about it and would rather forget - but his Dad is pushing him to report it!

If you listen to the voiceover in the programme, or even if you have the misfortune of experiencing this common ploy the prostitutes/immigrants try, you would know its pretty common. And not just in the Balerics, but in many resorts in the Med & the Canaries.

They will often target lone travellers, beg for money, but then try further forms of intimidation if they think they can get away with it.

I thought the lad sounded pretty genuine to me. When I initially saw the part of the show where the incident was presented, I thought, "yeah right, I bet you deserved to be tasered" but in fairness I will hold my hands up, as my opinion completely changed after the lad opened his mouth. Never judge a book by its cover! :spank:

And of course the consult wouldn't persue the incident if they had any doubts about the boys story.
The Guardia Cival like soldiers, are stationed in barracks where they can live with their families.

They are posted away from their local communities to ensure non biased policing. The dont have very much time for disorderly tourists :)

My experience with the Guardia Civil living in Andulucia and visiting Ibiza has been positive. The are heavy handed if provoked (which I would not recommend). I have friend in the Policia National and Guardia Civil from the town I lived in, El Puerto de Santa Maria. It is a big tourist city with loads of drunk tourist during the Jerez grande Prix. The drunken crazy tourist who didn't listen or cause problems had trouble, but they used only the force needed. With anything you will find bad apples in any organization.
If I had a time machine, I'd definitely go back and sample beefa ~1990. :lol:

Well I missed 90 there but 91 was Epic!! :p

Saw the program, awful, won't be watching it again.
Surely it's about time Tv filmed something that celebrates the true beauty of the island and the great people that live there.
Well I missed 90 there but 91 was Epic!! :p

Saw the program, awful, won't be watching it again.
Surely it's about time Tv filmed something that celebrates the true beauty of the island and the great people that live there.

"a short film about chilling"!!
Surely it's about time Tv filmed something that celebrates the true beauty of the island and the great people that live there.

The best footage I have seen of the island was an episode of "A Place in the sun", they managed a full half hour without showing drunkards puking in the street and fat burds flashing their spaniel's ears:D
Finally got round to watching it. Was a bit like a hybrid between Sun, Sea and A&E / Banged up abroad and the Thin Blue Line.

Mind you, "it's raining Brits" was pretty amusing.

There was a newborn baby, daft balcony jumping, a tazered lad, a family who'd lost their passports, brits in jug for killing each other, a guy who'd been hit by a car .. and then the inevitable bit about drugs and dealers.

I don't think it overly fixated on drugs and crime any more than can be expected. It's no secret that the Ibiza club scene is awash with drugs if people want to do that. So are London, Berlin, Madrid .. and I'd hazard a string of Investment Bank & Hedge Fund mens' rooms round the world, tho' the documentaries rarely get near any of that !

Consular assistance basically boils down to helping people who've got themselves into trouble, have lost their papers or need help getting home in one way or another. I actually thought the mix of scenarios was pretty standard for a Mediterranean holiday resort.

... and it's true I saw several people in a pretty bad way after those red pills or whatever they were. Looked about as disorienting for them as acid - with lots of unpleasant after-effects thrown in. Not something any regular person would want to be taken unawares with and basically bad sh!t that shouldn't have been circulating freely anywhere :!: Don't have any issues with the Guardia cracking down on that. Mr Paxman using that girl's death as an excuse for a "fact-finding mission" to Space tho' .... :rolleyes: Pull the other one !

On the matter of the conduct of the Guardia Civil, I've seen individual officers over-react (and a group of them start beating and kicking someone in the head) 1st hand. In Ibiza. Recently. That's not reasonable force in my book .. it was more like dishing out their own form of 'justice' before any hearing or legal process. If rotten eggs need rooting out then I guess every little helps.

There is also always a question mark over possible corruption whenever police are involved in any country. So I have some sympathy for that guy - if he was victim of an unwarranted tazering he probably reckoned the whole system was corrupt and he had no chance as a foreigner up against a 'closed shop'. No point pretending over these things - I lived most of my life as an expat abroad and have little faith in your chances of getting 'justice' if you get caught up in something abroad without a local network of influential contacts.

Surely it's about time Tv filmed something that celebrates the true beauty of the island and the great people that live there.

It would be nice. There are enough people with enough contacts I am pretty sure to put together a decent documentary about Ibiza and its people. Not being cynical about UK media or anything but .... it might even get a slot on the Travel Channel. Maybe putting something together and filming out of season might be a good start :idea: Even if it didn't get high ratings it would at least be there for the record.
never had a problem with the guardia if i'm honest.

i probably get stopped by them (traffic ones) 50 times a year here in ibiza. like a lot.

IMO most of the time people think they are being pr1cks because they just do their job. e.g. saying they are arseholes cos you got caught drink driving and they didn't let you off (durrrr!!!) or not having the papers for your car and getting fined.

similarly, be sensible and don't chat back or play clever or show any sign of aggression. you deserve what's coming IMO if you do.
It would be nice. There are enough people with enough contacts I am pretty sure to put together a decent documentary about Ibiza and its people. Not being cynical about UK media or anything but .... it might even get a slot on the Travel Channel. Maybe putting something together and filming out of season might be a good start :idea: Even if it didn't get high ratings it would at least be there for the record.

This is something the Island and its government should be doing to promote its image abroad. There are enough talented people in Ibiza that, with moderate grant aid, could easily produce a documentary to reflect the Islands true identity.

Rather than throwing cash at Airlines to attract winter tourists, first fund a documentary, aimed at their primary markets, to sell what the Island has to offer apart from its perceived image of drugs/clubs and everybody off their heads Ibiza Uncovered style.

IMO Ibiza Tourism (outside of the clubbing industry) does not sell itself adequately enough. Nearly 95% of the social media connected to Ibiza is about whats happening in the clubs. Therefore to attract winter/slow break customers they first have to promote what the other 80% of the Island has to offer.....then put on the flights. i.e put the horse before the cart.
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oh yeah, by the way, they are reading this.

Spain is part of the EU. Shouldn't be a reason not to be able to have a balanced debate. I don't have a problem with police doing their job and welcome tougher policing than you see in UK, but I do have a problem with gratuitous violence. Saw far too much of that in Africa over many years and don't much appreciate seeing the same sort of thing going on in the supposedly 'civilized' world.
IMO Ibiza Tourism (outside of the clubbing industry) does not sell itself adequately enough. Nearly 95% of the social media connected to Ibiza is about whats happening in the clubs. Therefore to attract winter/slow break customers they first have to promote what the other 80% of the Island has to offer.....then put on the flights. i.e put the horse before the cart.
Tourism officials have more important things on which to spend their limited resources.
We came back yesterday after 3days on the island and i recommend everybody to go there out of season its that good.Our 2nd year going in feb and already lookin forward to next year..Maybe johnny wont need a time machine just go in winter months;)
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Tourism officials have more important things on which to spend their limited resources.


"""Cocktails carrying such titles as Sex Machine, Strawberry Orgasm, cost up to $200 there. After a glass of cocktail clients are offered a more active entertainment. It costs $50 to have fun with a naked girl. It is also possible to enjoy a foamy bath with an 'actress,' VIP services cost $200.""

Must have been a fact finding mission for Pacha :twisted: