documentry about ibiza channel 4 tonight.


New Member
just a quik heads up about a documentry on ibiza tonight thursday 1st of march called our man in ibiza. looks good.
Thoughts on the programme?

For me it was a terrible depiction of the island(s), serving to re-enforce the warped view many non-visitors have of Ibiza. Even though the programme admitted their is a big drug scene on Mallorca, all attention centred on the drug situation on Ibiza.

I won't be wasting an hour of my life on any further episodes.
It still didn't come across any worse then the usual resorts full of brits, and to be fair they are following people that deal with the messy side of the island we all know it is there it's been debated on here at length so it's nothing new is it? They are hardly going to show the perfect ones amongst us who "go for the music, the beauty etc etc" in this type of programme.
I actually thought the guy at the begining was quite funny, seemed like he was slightly resentful that he didn't get to stay and live his dream in the hippy commune making bangles :D
It wouldn't have hurt for someone from the consulate to make the point that 99.99% of visitors to Ibiza never have a need for use of the consulate and a huge majority of visitors to the island are not drug taking clubbers.
It wouldn't have hurt for someone from the consulate to make the point that 99.99% of visitors to Ibiza never have a need for use of the consulate and a huge majority of visitors to the island are not drug taking clubbers.
I know, but should they really need to? The show goes all over Spain, and is all about folk who get themselves in to trouble for one reason or another.
For instance they reckon 40,000 pills are taken every night in Ibiza, I can't even guess how many people go out at night in Ibiza but it must be ten times that. If folk want to form an opinion on pill heads in beefa they will do that whether or not anyone gives the fact that it's only a small part of it.
I don't actually care what folk think of me when I tell them I am going there and they say something about it, if they want to be narrow minded and think what they think then **** em :)
I don't actually care what folk think of me when I tell them I am going there and they say something about it, if they want to be narrow minded and think what they think then **** em :)

Indeed. Alcohol is a much, much worse drug (to the user and society at large) than MDMA. It's amazing how many semi (or full on) alcoholics and weekend binge drinkers have a negative opinion of people who'd go out and do a couple of pills in a club. :rolleyes: Nothing to be ashamed of for being or having been involved in that scene, or Ibiza's links with it, particularly historically (if that makes sense!). If I had a time machine, I'd definitely go back and sample beefa ~1990. :lol:
Sadly, these things are always driven by an anti-drugs agenda and they always confuse proper club/music culture with British 'lads on tour' culture.

People might have read it in the review I did in the Review Section - but I've seen the divide at first hand because I've been to Ibiza with both types of people.

You can't completely generalise, obviously. but from my experience quite a lot of the non-drug takers fall into that 'lads on tour' / 'not there for the music' catergory and they're the ones trapped in San An, puking everywhere and ending up on people's TV screens. Which makes the media representation of it even more back-to-front.

Only posted this week - so fairly fresh. But yeah, my experiences in two separate holidays basically proves the stark divide between what 'we' want out of Ibiza and what people not there for the music want out of Ibiza. The group I went with the first time were (bar me and one other) quite anti-drugs by the way....;)

Read it. Interesting take! What really needs to happen is for society not to talk about 'alcohol and drugs', but just 'drugs'... for alcohol is a drug and a potentially addictive, nasty one at that! (Lucky you if you haven't seen the toll alcoholism can take on a person.) As well as reducing 'prejudice' against users of reasonably harmless drugs such as MDMA and cannabis, it might also make people treat alcohol with more respect!

Had you been to Ibiza late 80's, I reckon you would be living there now and be a happy hippy playing your bongo drums on Benirras beach:D

Quite possibly! Shame I didn't get into the whole dance scene till about 15 years later. :(
This being a doc about the consulate was always going to be about troubled people and in need of help of some sort and it wasn't meant to be an advertisement for the island so I don't think it will do any harm and put people off from visiting Ibiza in future.
At the end of the day, in order to entertain, TV shows have to go for the shocking factor so we might never see the better side of Ibiza which only people that have been there are aware of.

The only thing that really surprised me was the reluctance of that kid in Mallorca about suing the police for been tasered in spite of being the victim!!!
At the risk of being flippant, i think your missing the bigger picture. Jeremy Paxman's brother went to Space to cut some shapes on the tax payers dime!!
I'm not so sure I believed that kids story that got tasered!

I mean why was he so reluctnat to report it, and did you hear his story! 'i was walking up this alleyway, and a prostitute was demanding payment' haha youve just said she was demanding payment, so must of provided a 'service', then when he refused to pay, she called in her back up, in his words some 'gypsies' who beat him up!

Then the police came along and apparently tasered him!

Take the police out the story, you have a kid whos been with a hooker, and refused to pay, and its got out of hand, now hes all embarressed about it and would rather forget - but his Dad is pushing him to report it!
We don't know what really went on but I can only go with his “version” of the story. You might be right, hence his unwillingness in going ahead with the suing but it would be really difficult to involve the police in the story if they didn't play any part in it at all, don't you think?
believe the story or not but i could see the police doing something like that. i know its a different island but you've got to think they'd be similar in Mallorca as in Ibiza, and lets be honest the Guardia in Ibiza can go a bit OTT at times.