Do you drink to get drunk?


Active Member
Seems to be a common theme these days; "I'm gonna get hammered tonight" etc etc.

I can honestly say that I have never gone out with the intention of getting drunk since teenage years.

Maybe it's an age think but I find these days that after a few glasses of wine, and feeling fine, the cross over into waking the next day and having blurred memories of the night before is tiny!

Maybe time to swop the vino for horlicks:D:D
I was going to try to come up with some convoluted excuse to make myself look like less of a boozer but I can only follow Morbyd's honesty by admitting yes I drink to get drunk.

I never leave the house on a Friday or Saturday aiming for alcoholic destruction, however there are times when I forget my limits and end up cursing myself the next day for the monster head ache I've inflicted on myself.
actually planning to get drunk reeks of

a/ student
b/ office junior who has forgotten he isn't a student anymore
c/ cackling 50+ women who roam city centres in desperate bid to pull

as with most other things, the spontaneity around drinking is what makes it more fun - as is location - would you rather get drunk with interesting people on an overnight sleeper train or at Yates surrounded by office bores?

generally speaking though, I don't see the point anymore - unless you're on a comedy date or at a wake
I drink for the enjoyment but on weekend that may turn into a drunk fest by the end of the night. I only limit myself if I have to drive.
Im Irish and drinking is part of our culture so I feel that i can qualify as an expert in this field:)

I wouldnt say I purposely go out to get drunk........but its part and parcel of a good night in a pub socialising.

Its like asking do you go clubbing to get wasted?

Some people can go out to a pub and socialise without getting drunk just like some people can go to a club without getting wasted. But I have always found that its more fun to fully participate in any party. When in Rome...........

In recent years I am finding that drinking to excess and getting drunk leaves its mark both on my mental and physical well being. When I was younger I could bounce back fairly easily from a late drunken night without it affecting my health or work, but thesedays im not able for the hangovers, lack of energy, mood swings, depression, and other ailments related to drunkenness.
a/ student
b/ office junior who has forgotten he isn't a student anymore
c/ cackling 50+ women who roam city centres in desperate bid to pull
I'm trying to figure out which one of these I am. I guess 'c'? :lol:

I should clarify - I don't start out the night thinking "I'm going to get drunk". I usually think "I'm going drinking." Now, unless you drink slowly or are deluding yourself, then you have a pretty good idea that one leads to the other :lol: a wake

Ahhh there's nothing like a good funeral to unleash the family drunks.

At my Nan's funeral earlier this year I ended up polishing off a large bottle of sherry with a cousin I haven't seen since I was about 9, then finding Grandads secret stash of Ouzo which had probably been there for about 10 years, and drinking that as well. My Dad in the mean time drank far more Whisky than was sensible and I ended up having to wrestle him out of a taxi when we got him home as he wanted to carry on the party 8)
I'm trying to figure out which one of these I am. I guess 'c'? :lol:

I should clarify - I don't start out the night thinking "I'm going to get drunk". I usually think "I'm going drinking." Now, unless you drink slowly or are deluding yourself, then you have a pretty good idea that one leads to the other :lol:

perhaps I should clarify my point too - I wasn't referring to anyone who enjoys a drink - I was referring specifically to people who loudly advertise the fact they are going to get drunk - which I personally find quite distasteful.
perhaps I should clarify my point too - I wasn't referring to anyone who enjoys a drink - I was referring specifically to people who loudly advertise the fact they are going to get drunk - which I personally find quite distasteful.

That was exactly the point I was trying to convey, not unusually, I didn't do so very well!
I always have my best intentions when I go out for just one drink. But it never happens. I always end up smoking and other stuff.

So I am worse those those people that plan to get hammered :oops:

But this very rarely happens these days. I am more likely found sitting in at the weekends making cakes :rolleyes: