The old Morris Minor 1000 has great sentimental value for me
, it was the first car I ever owned when learning to drive over 30 years ago. I love seeing them out on the road being driven by bearded enthusiasts as I pass by in my turbo charged, four wheel drive, air-conditioned Toyota Celica GT4 with ten speaker surround sound system blasting
, but, I don't want to drive one daily again, I know what I would prefer to drive.
I've deejayed for over 27 years
, more than 20 with vinyl. I still buy vinyl every week, but, it's recorded onto my laptop computer for gigging use. CD's, never did use them, went straight to computer over five years ago.
I would really enjoy working with vinyl again, however, only for sentimental reasons, or in a restricted type of venue i.e. only one style of music.
Even CD's are old technology nowadays, computer software has evolved tremendously over the last five years. Most people have the wrong impression about using computers to DJ with.
Regarding the software I use;
.....No, it's not a toy program for bedroom deejays
.....and No, it DOES NOT do the mixing automatically for you
.....oh, and all mp3's on my laptop are totally legal and paid for and NOT pirate downloads
I'm a self-employed DJ doing this for a living so I ain't just messing about!
I could go on and on with the garbage that's been thrown at me regularly by spotty teenagers who don't know what they're talking about.
"MP3s, on the other hand, simply aren't designed for clubs because while you might not miss the inaudible frequencies at low volume on your stereo, you will on the dance floor! "
What a load of codswallup!!! MP3's were recorded at lower bit rates and sounded 'mushy' five years ago due to restricted expensive hard drive space. These days, hard drive space is considerable cheaper and hard drives are huge in comparison. Any DJ worth his salt uses much higher quality mp3's to gig with.
I could jump on a plane to Ibiza, play the baddest prog house set at Space, the funkiest soulful set at El Divino, the most euphoric Trance at Es Paridis and then go to the West End in San Antonio and play in any of the bars with 70's, 80's commercial chart, party music or even R'n B all with the same laptop. That is the way forward! In fact I already do all of the above in my residency every week!
Here's my setup;
Oh, btw, the controller in the foreground is not a CD controller, it's a DMC-01 (Digital Media Controller) made by Numark that controls the computer software in a very similar fashion to a CD controller. This model is obselete now as they have a new controller, however, this one is working fine and is still supported by the software vendors. It has been working a minimum of 9 hours per week in my residency with the laptop since January 2002.
I have been at the cutting edge of computer deejaying for five years and find it hard getting accepted, yet, you guys are just debating accepting jocks using CD's!!!
Sheesh, give me a break!
It's the 21st century don't you know!