DJ's that have re-surfaced after some time off your radar


Well-Known Member
So bit bored this afternoon and seeing the adverts about the new night at Eden with Eddie Halliwell made me think what DJ's have people seen re-appear after some time and where?

For me, 90's/00's Norn' Irish hard house / techno DJ Fergie who was probably off my radar since leaving Radio 1 in 2006 - I was in Vegas in May at the MGN Pool Party and thought it was him - quick google indicated I was right. Now living the dream playing EDM in the sunshine it seems!

Any more for any more ?
Fergie used to be great, one of the only Mixmag cds I kept hold of was his Funky Techno one, sounds like he has musically gone commercial now then?

Likewise with Eddie Halliwell, I see Judge Jules is popping up at those events, I wonder what sort of effort he puts into music/djing these days, hasnt he decided to work in legal system full time now, so actually a judge!? Does he still play trance?

Danny Rampling pops up now and then, despite retiring and turning to property!

What happened to Seb Fontain?
What happened to Seb Fontain?[/QUOTE]

Seb has appeared a couple of times lately for Pams House reunion parties in Ipswich & Norwich. Not a lot of cop really tbh. Superb in the day.
Judge Jules plays the odd classics set, keeps popping up at Gatecrasher in Sheff and just his old usual classics. Never been a big fan of him tbh.

Seb played b2b with Tall Paul about a year ago at Crasher, so he’s still doing the odd gig here and there. Infact you can pretty much expect any of the old heads to appear at GC as they’ve gone down the classics route themselves, with one room modern trance and another Hard House.
Fergie used to be great, one of the only Mixmag cds I kept hold of was his Funky Techno one, sounds like he has musically gone commercial now then?


Interesting fact time. Fergie has to rebrand himself as DJ Fergie in the USA so people didn't get him confused with Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas.

Shame he totally sold his soul to EDM though.
Fergie used to be great, one of the only Mixmag cds I kept hold of was his Funky Techno one, sounds like he has musically gone commercial now then?

Interesting fact time. Fergie had to rebrand himself as DJ Fergie in the USA so people didn’t get him confused with Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas.

Shame he sold his soul to EDM though.
I went to the Eddie Halliwell night at Eden.
It was an odd one. He played some techno and even threw in TOU's Energy52 remix. Mostly though he played what to my ear was hard house with classic trance vocals over the top. There was a hardcore contingent of his fans present "EDDIE! EDDIE! EDDIE!" Mostly kids and a lot of northerners. Probably also the least attractive crowd I've ever seen anywhere on the island - including at Bongo's Bingo. In total, about 300 people. All that said, it wasn't nearly as terrible as I had feared.
Probably also the least attractive crowd I've ever seen anywhere on the island


I remember one of the only times I went to Eden was to a Lisa Lashes night called Lashed, think we lasted an hour in there, while I did quite like the music, it was the crowd, Adidas tracksuits and swimwear, no style at all, some very very messy people too, almost to the point it was too much, I bought a beer and put it down on the table, turned round and it was gone!

It really attracted a Jeremy Kyle type audience

I remember one of the only times I went to Eden was to a Lisa Lashes night called Lashed, think we lasted an hour in there, while I did quite like the music, it was the crowd, Adidas tracksuits and swimwear, no style at all, some very very messy people too, almost to the point it was too much, I bought a beer and put it down on the table, turned round and it was gone!

It really attracted a Jeremy Kyle type audience

I believe it is due to the location. It attracts the westend idiots.
Never been into Eden myself but have been told the sound system is amazing.

By the way are you the guys that currently have the likes of Lipsett out in Ibiza?

some very very messy people too, almost to the point it was too much,

Was she still playing Hard House? A pretty good description of the hard house scene haha. A few years ago I went to a couple of hard house nights in the UK. Never known a club full of people completely off their faces.