DJ Mag - Clubs Top 100 2015

there will always be a hierarchy of cool on any scene. i totally respect ikoda for instance who is passionate about his music and probably has his own snobberies (who doesn't?) but in my circles trance, prog, tech would all be seen as a bit naff. See also 90% ibiza these days. That's the reality.
I guess my counter to that would be: if you are always chasing what's "cool", then you are a sheep, not a shepherd :cool:

As Fergi said, just like what you like. Don't worry about what everybody else likes (or doesn't) it's not important.
Each to their own obv and i'm not going to comment on the trance scene but anyone who is serious about their house/techno swerves those kind of tourist meccas. You want to be in an environment which feels fresh, intimate, sweaty, unoppressive, minimal security, uncommercial and where you are around kindred spirits who've grown up in the scene not dorks in snapbacks who read about it in an easyjet guide

Ps/ Cool is important - if you're not cool, you're nothing

So you want something which is cool, which brings in the hipsters, but isn't cool so they stay away. Wat?
Cool isn't important in the slightest. Do what you want to do, just ensure you have a good time.
Swerving off a venue with a good lineup because it's 'cool' is kinda sad in my eyes, but each to their own.

If Oceana \ Prysm (Oceana's replacement, and everything wrong with clubbing but it's the typical Fri \ Sat night out for a lot of people who like commercial music) were to put on a full on Trance night, I'd go even if it was a commercial venue.

Do you just listen to house \ techno because it's the 'in thing' then at the moment? It's 'trendy' (thus cool?)
It's not about chasing cool so much as just 'getting it'. Back in the day i listened to endless crap from capella through to d:ream, a constant diet of cheese. Then got into prog and early trance then eventually serious house. Having been there myself i totally get where a lot of you come from but i just see proper house as something that locks you in forever and attitudes change with it. I think there has to be some elitism with that because it is so percious and there are always commercial pressures for all clubs to go down the ministry route and that would kill me
Applying that same retrospective, do you not think that one day your older self might cringe at your current tastes??? :idea:
Not really. Your teens/20s are formative - exposure to dodgy music in those years is vital training - but nowadays i have taste

I still like the music I listened to when I was a teenager. I'll get bored \ less interested in trance at some point. My tastes will change again when I start to withdrawal from the clubbing scene. Sometimes it's good to listen to cheesy music.
Not really. Your teens/20s are formative - exposure to dodgy music in those years is vital training - but nowadays i have taste

My betting is that your future self with disagree with the above statement. Maybe not in regards to musical taste, true. But to think you stop developing, learning, growing past your 20s is a ludicrous thought, and quite narcissistic if you don't mind me saying.
I'll tell you how it all changed. I was going to very banging nights in london until around 2000 and then by chance i met people online who opened my ears to old ibiza ie the 'anything goes spirit' which revolutionised everything - there aren't many people with that open-minded mindset and a real struggle to find in modern ibiza but it is still there in the undergrowth
the younger generation find their way and do it their way.we can be wise musical snobs all we like but the 18-25yr olds are discovering this stuff and havinng a ball. they may have no interest in house music but go along because thats what their mates are doing and then bam its hit them, just like it did for all of us , just different times.
the younger generation find their way and do it their way.we can be wise musical snobs all we like but the 18-25yr olds are discovering this stuff and havinng a ball. they may have no interest in house music but go along because thats what their mates are doing and then bam its hit them, just like it did for all of us , just different times.

I've actually found as I've god older that my music tastes have got faster. Never used to be a big fan of Hard \ Acid Techno but over the last couple of years I've started to love it