diver's "dickhead" radar

its only statistics that happen to me, i never say that techno people are rude guys..:rolleyes:
its like saying: most of pickpockets are italians in DC10 but have i told that i hate italians? (got a lot of nice ita Ibz mates..Clear ur minds from Drugs :spank: b4 making conclusion :D) just i dont do the politicaly correct as average people in sociéty,Hypocrisy & all thi stuff.
I guess Icey was banned for Racist posts (pickpocket post ?)? i m sure he is not Racist but All truth are not good to tell :p
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I love it! This is all a bit comical to me as I don't know enough to tell techno from trance from house from EDM - AND - I've got three stations on Sirius/XM radio that play this stuff that I listen to almost constantly. I've also got several DJ friends who are into "deep underground" whatever the eff that means. All I care about is if the music gets into my bones & really moves me & makes me want to dance. It's a very simple formula but I like it that way - I don't really want to have to think about it. It's no different from rock/funk/jam/soul, whatever for me - if I enjoy it, I could care less what it's called or even who's singing or playing it. My friends can't believe that I don't know the names of all the famous musicians & the bands they play in. (same with sports for me) To me, it's just like enjoying the eff out of a great meal - I'll remember the restaurant where I had it but could care less who the chef was. That's why Ibiza is so great, it's a virtual smorgasbord of music.

a large part of me really envies you because I was like this right at the start

why do we have to get old/jaded? *sigh*
hey why have doors at all ? everybody in! kumbaya!

sadly reality isn't like that - if you're gonna create a special vibe, you have to have the right people in

I like going out in Ibiza, precisely because it is relaxed and inclusive. You don't need to worry as much about pre-loading as you would at home IMO. If you create the right vibe, stick to your guns with the music policy, and charge a reasonable price (i.e. not too cheap), then you should in theory mostly attract people who care or at least open-minded. You shouldn't have to be an expert to get in - otherwise how do people expand their tastes?