Dinner at Pacha on 4th July

Dublin Born

New Member
Does anybody want to meet up for dinner at the restaurant in pacha before we go clubbing. It would be pretty cool to meet people of this forum . We could maybe book a table for everyone.
Dublin Born said:
Does anybody want to meet up for dinner at the restaurant in pacha before we go clubbing. It would be pretty cool to meet people of this forum . We could maybe book a table for everyone.

wow won't be there either but a beautiful evening
i wouldn't get the numbers too high as its a small restaurant!


(ooh can't wait too eat there again)
If you think Im going to fly all the way out to some godforsaken island in the middle of nowhere just to meet up with you lot, you've got annother think coming
key dokey,

we'll try and get a posse together. Thats four so far . Any suggestions on how to book it . I can't find a telephone number on the website.

Any other takers !!
Even if you did get a number, you get through to someone speaking spanish!

Try getting hold of Pacha in london, they may be able to help you 8)
Have tried to get on the Pacha website. Funky page with dancing ladybirds etc - how do you get past this bit? Trying to find out if I can book a table by email. Dublinborn - still interested?
Hi Guys,

just back from a wicked weekend in Edinburgh.

Anyway, i sent an e-mail to Pacha london trying to get info on how to book a table. They said you can do it when you get bthere. I don't asrrive until the thursday morning 3rd July. Lusha, Redbird are you guys there earlier than me to book it. ?
Dublin Born said:
Hi Guys,

just back from a wicked weekend in Edinburgh.

Anyway, i sent an e-mail to Pacha london trying to get info on how to book a table. They said you can do it when you get bthere. I don't asrrive until the thursday morning 3rd July. Lusha, Redbird are you guys there earlier than me to book it. ?

hey mister ill be there from tomor
have booked a table there before and it was very easy.
If you want ill look in to it this week altho id say they'll possibly be booked up for that night.
I fly out in the morn so ull have to let me know soon...
will check this once more before i go ;)
yippee im off soon....have to be in dublin for 5.30 wat a balls :roll: not a morning person! ill more than likely have to go on line at some stage in d next week to check my email so ill prob check out the situation here then too.................
see ye all there ,take care for now, carm ;)
ok guys,

who is definetly keen for this. We can get someone like ,mello to book a table .

I think so far it's

Redbird and Fella
Myself and freind
Lusha and b'friend + ?
me and my boyfriend alex r up 4 it 8)

what time and what date is it? I aint gonna be loggin on much more as im off to ibiza tomorrow so please reply asap