Dimitri from paris in the house.

S Express said:
Cd 1 is class all the way - cd 2 is more 70's funk orientated, still good but a bit less housey.

Its defected though...so obviously it needs to be in your collection.

yes, its a fab album....just off to buy some more today.
vdubjb said:
Disciple introduced me to him at WMC . I consider him a friend, :D

If you're a mate of Disciple, tell him we enjoyed his set at Hustle in Sheffield on boxing day ;)
he's much better appreciated over there than he is here. He's always playing at some stuffy bottle service lounge. I missed seeing him last nite for 3 horrendous parties...
Slightly on the topic: My gorgeous blond girlfriend invited Dimitri to our after party after his gig in Amsterdam a couple of years ago, and he just replied with a french accent "I deunt du afterrrparrrties"
Well excusez-moi :lol: