
This one is in the same postal code, with 2 bedrooms and "updated". Similar price!

trying to get my head round the map. that is downtown detroit isn't it nearby (to the west). i mean i know there is a freeway that acts as a boundary but even so......

or is 'wayne county' notorious or somethin? "wayne county" has that highly intellectual ring to it doesn't it? bit like silicon valley or wall street!!:lol::lol:
Really? I was looking at properties on websites in the UK and it seemed like a lot of them came with furniture. Pardone moi!

Looks to me like most of the city is located inside Wayne County so maybe it's bad to live so close to the center? Perhaps we should be looking in Oakland County to the north? :lol:
i love the description on this one for $100. "SOLD AS-IS" :eek::lol::lol:


stately home in Aigburth??
wanna put that in anglais for us john.

how much could that be?

Could be thousands of dollars. Liens, in property speak, are financial obligations attached to the land title for the property. Could be anything from unpaid property taxes to unpaid utility bills.

Most of the properties being sold at these knockdown prices have these attached. That's why the banks want to sell them off cheap. Easier to take a loss on the foreclosed unpaid mortgage than to rack up more expenses on the properties.
Artists are buying whole streets and renovating all the houses. Shall we do it, I think I have a spare $10 :lol:
has anyone ever been to DEMF? a bit wary of detroit @ the moment, but the lineup last year was insane. waiting to see what the lineup this year will be