

Active Member
Anyone from Detroit or know about the area....?

Why are the houses so cheap? Is it really that bad?

It is more expensive to buy a car than a house :eek:
I was in Detroit once but it was a long time ago (25 years?). It was pretty scary!

I think the downturn in the US auto industry has contributed to massive economic decline, which probably explains the low housing costs.

Although outside of the Northeast and West Coast, housing prices are generally cheaper in the US.
Oh, and the mortgage crisis has also hit housing prices. Falling all over the country. Good time to buy!
let's think about this though. if you buy it for $100, as a total wreck. no matter what happens to it, surely over time, even the land must be worth something.............even if they bulldozed the fecker to build something else.

helen, are you in?!
look at this one, due to be demolished, so you wouldn't have anything to worry about. 200 squid for a lot big enough to build a 3 bed house on.


sell that in a few years time when "the area picks up"! :lol::lol:
I'll chip in a ten-spot.

i'm thinking a spotlight co-operative could be in line. i tell you what, everyone send me £10 (pm me for bank details) and then i'll buy the land.

then in 10 years, all come back to me and we'll see how much it's worth then.
Jeez... there are a bunch of these buggers. I'm in for 10 houses! :lol:

I wonder what the "municipal requirements" mentioned in one of the listings is all about.

I love the one that says "has fire damage. was burnt down..." :lol: