Derrick Carter?

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Anyone ever seen him before - he's playing here tomorrow nite - heard he's class the only thing is that mr. Morillo is playing at the same nite. Wat to do wat to do, it's a hard life.
Saw Mr. Morillo last month at BED ... he was awesome as usual.

Tis funny .. some people say he plays the same sets / same tunes etc .... and that each time they have seen him he is samey - no way! ! ! ! I'm sorry, but even if a DJ was given the same box of records to play each night over a week, each night would be different depending on the DJ's mood ..

I'm so so tempted to do Subliminal Opener at Pacha .. but we can really only afford one club night and I think it really does have to be Underwater!
K-eat said:
Anyone ever seen him before - he's playing here tomorrow nite - heard he's class the only thing is that mr. Morillo is playing at the same nite. Wat to do wat to do, it's a hard life.

Mmmm difficult one you've got there. I am the biggest Erick fan in the world, been stalking him round the country for years lol :P but bern really disappointed with him recently - I saw him at the NEC and he played some boring new stuff and loads of old stuff but not old stuff that you would even call classics :roll: Everyone who has seen him this year has said same thing so at the moment I'm boycotting Erick lol until he buys some new decent records.

As for Delboy Carter he is the daddy, if you haven't seen him before go, I cannot wait to see him @ Homelands on Saturday :D Also you have probably got more chance of seeing Erick again in the next few months whereas Delboy doesn't get around as much :P
Actually .. you're right Barbie .. I was sorta aiming to say that but got sidetracked by the thought of Erick's smile I think!

Mr. Morillo is doing a 6 hour set at the end of June at BED ... hopefully bringing a bit more of a lighter feel !
Derrick is good, more jackin house - think hes the Dj which got Yousef into djin!

If it was me tho - Morillo EVERYTIME!!!! :P
Check this link out for Derrick Carter in the mix, quality music but dodgy recording:

Derrick Carter is by far and away the better dj in my opinion. I too love Morillo as the atmosphere he creates cannot be beaten although after seeing him at sankeys over Easter I was not that impressed. Buy some new records, or at least bother to listen to some of the 100s of promo's you must receive ;)

K-eat its a nice choice to have
*Saffy* said:
Actually .. you're right Barbie .. I was sorta aiming to say that but got sidetracked by the thought of Erick's smile I think!

Mr. Morillo is doing a 6 hour set at the end of June at BED ... hopefully bringing a bit more of a lighter feel !

Believe me I am complete and utter Erick stalker and as much as it paints me to say it he has not been on form recently, he takes 8 months off touring so I had high hopes for his return but he just ain't there at the mo :roll: Hopefully by time he gets to Ibiza he will have bought some new records and then we'll all be Subliminally happy again :P :D
mmm, well he plays in liverpool in july, Ill have to do a review on it, he should be on form then and the tracklisting should be pretty much wot he'll be hammering for the rest of the season 8)
Barbie .. me too .. in the loving Morillo stakes that is .. I really really thought that the last time he was at BED he would have come back from Miami with some new stuff .. but no ... and as gutted I am to admit it, I fell asleep at one point. (Hmm .. yes, REALLY ... even with stimulants!)
Whaaat! U fell asleep in the republic?! The sound system is IMMENSELY loud! U sure these 'stimulants' werent something else??
Nope .. this was in BED ...

I was just knackered to be honest ... and tho I absolutely LOVE Morillo ... his set was different from what I'd heard before ... not particularly the tunes, but the way he styled them ...
he tends to go techy/hard/mind warpy in the middle of his set .. but he f***ed with our heads right from the start ... Honest; I didn't know whether I was coming or going half the night! ( And no .. i dont mean hard house ... you know what i mean )
Hey K-eat, Morillo @ Spirit mate. Has to be!! My mate works there and has VIP'd me and the lady. Looking forward to this night for ages. Danny Rampling next week and Roger Sanchez the week after. Sasha is also playing POD during June. Saving is going out the window for the next month. Big party tomorrow night afterwards too...
morillo - same shit, different year i'm affriad!
carter - is quality! go see him over morillo anyday...a real pioneer.
I've got the Underwater Episode 2 mix CD, and on CD2 is says 'Derek Carter' 8O
hmm saw morillo at Sankey's a few weeks ago. He was ace - totally blew the roof off the place.

first time seen him for me, but yeah others have said that he is a bit samey after a while.
Morillo's a good party dj but Big Derrick is unreal... it's that Boompty Boomp feeling :D :D

Make sure to bring your dancin shoes... cos Big Derrick's gonna move those blues away baby...
Derrick is wicked, saw him the other week @bomb in Notts...JACKIN HOUSE ALL THE AWY!

Off to see Morillo @basics this weekend, or Dimitri from Paris @hardtimes
Derrick is the House GOD!!

Derrick over Morillo any day!! Do not miss this legend! His style will redefine your perception of house music!

DC is a master when it comes to track selection, remixing on the fly (his insane hip-hop/r&b mixes that just seem to fit just right), programming, production, this man does it all!!!!

This man will never dissapoint when it comes to the FUNK and SOUL of house. Be sure you were comfortable shoes because his jackin' style will have you dancing all night.

Damn, i wish he played in LA more...