*** Deepflight at Ocean Beach Club ***

this place is a complete rip off. 45 euro to get in!!!!

includes one drink so you're already down on 30€ entry if you calculate with club prices.
deepflight opening yesterday was nice i thought. this place has potential and contrary to what many on here already wrote (without having been!), i didn't think it was pretentious at all yesterday.
45e?!!! is that a joke? wayne lineker rip off continues eh. I saw a poster for this the other day and the morons had forgotten to even put the venue on it, real amateur stuff.
Tuesday has been higlighted as their big event day.

Some decent DJs and acts so I'd hardly say it was ridiculiusly overpriced.
Deepflight closing party is next Tuesday 28th August - September dates cancelled.
can anyone comment on how tom novy was ?
have to admit i liked him back in the day when he was resident @ welovesundays
and closed the sunsetterrace (mostly from around 10pm - midnite) almost every other weekend.
that was like 5 or 6 years ago ?!

the last 3 times i heard him (not in ibiza) he was a joke (a bad joke).
icey, haven't heard tom novy for a few years, but i have to admit i also loved his sets when he used to be the last one on the sunset terrace. 2007 and 2008. good times.
I agree, Novy was great when closing the sunset terrace a few years ago @ We Love, so many great moments, typical sunset terrace sets!
... have to admit i also loved his sets when he used to be
the last one on the sunset terrace. 2007 and 2008.
good times.

I agree, Novy was great when closing the sunset terrace a few years ago
@ We Love, so many great moments, typical sunset terrace sets!

had some of the very best ibiza-moments (or even in my life !) on that welove-sunsetterrace -
like when a certain tracks starts and you look at each other and almost have to cry
because everything is so out of this ****ing world in that second that words can´t describe it.
had some of the very best ibiza-moments (or even in my life !) on that welove-sunsetterrace -
like when a certain tracks starts and you look at each other and almost have to cry
because everything is so out of this ****ing world in that second that words can´t describe it.

had some of the very best ibiza-moments (or even in my life !) on that welove-sunsetterrace -
like when a certain tracks starts and you look at each other and almost have to cry
because everything is so out of this ****ing world in that second that words can´t describe it.

absolutely true, the last time i heard him in space was in 2008.
he played very commercial in the past, but as far as I know he changed his music direction now more to deep house..also his productions will go more in this direction in future i think.
icey, haven't heard tom novy for a few years, but i have to admit i also loved his sets when he used to be the last one on the sunset terrace. 2007 and 2008. good times.

I remember being with a few spotlighters one year for the closing and he closed with U2..(think it was with or without you), twas rather a moment !! :oops:
... and he closed with U2..(think it was with or without you),
twas rather a moment !! :oops:
one of those magic moments moments :arrow:

Originally Posted by NANDO_262
...We made it back to the Sunset Terrace to catch Tom Novy.
Novy was really getting me up even more for it and
my new friends and I were dancing uncontrollably.
As Novy was getting ready to close the Sunset Terrace,
something undescribable happened.

I was bit trashed, but I will try to describe it to the best of my ability.
He grabbed the Mic and simply said "terrace hands up" and
then a track which i don't know the name dropped,
the vocals sounded like Coldplay (but it wasn't) and I think it went like:
"if we where hereeee, if we could just stay here......"
not sure, but that completely brought chills to my spine and
I had no other choice but to kiss both girls and
give pretty much everyone around me a hug or a handshake.
Unbelieveable moment........

one of those magic moments moments :arrow:

Originally Posted by NANDO_262
"if we where hereeee, if we could just stay here......"

Snow patrol always did the trick on the sunset terrace :p Tom also often played a remix of Depeche Mode - Enjoy the silence (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zz4PC0pFR4) - one of those "hands-up-i-love-you-dj" moments ;-)

Those 10pm-0am closing sets were always the most awaited moment of my trip...

I don't know how is it going this year, but seeing the lineups I think the sunset terrace on We Love lost this vibe (maybe I'm wrong...).

I'm leaving on Sunday to Ibiza, and it will be my first year without We Love due to this...