Deep dish - Flashdance ........

I still like it!!

A good track will always be a good track! I hate lolas theme due to the amount of times ive heard it, but you can't say its not a good track??

And the same applies to flashdance! I don't hate it yet cause i've been lucky enough not to hear it in many places so Its still good to me!!

Anyone heard the really funky remix of it?? And the hoxtonwhores remix??

Like this a lot, been hearing it for ages but still sounds good! Can anyone help me out though, been looking for the lyrics but can't find them, need them to help resolve an arguement!
matt collins said:
Best mix is the Raul Rifkin (or similar) one. Kicking it off everywhere for those of us lucky enough to have a copy.

8) 8) 8) ;)

raul rincon ;)

best remix imo from hoxton whores and from guetta/garraud :D