Dc10 - Vip

Actually, if memory serves me correctly there is a roped-off section with a couple of tables next to the wee window where they sell merchandise - ie shoved in the furthest, darkest corner of the inside bit, hence it's no surprise that I have never seen anyone actually sitting there. There's never any problem getting a seat anyway and DC10 is hardly a classy establishment, I can't imagine it appealing to the sort of person who habitually seeks out 'VIP' treatment.
Yes there is a VIP section in DC10 - it's where the cushions, football table etc used to be and in all my times there I have never seen anyone using it - it really is the most ridiculous use of space :rolleyes: :spank:
I didn't see any thing I would call VIP. We sat on the edge of the two podiums inside and against the walls. There were a couple of couches inside but the people on them never moved. Having a VIP section at a club the size of DC10 would be a waste of space. Also DC10 is about partying not loafing :D
thanks for replies - only asked as since DC10 is so crowded had ondered if the mayhem can be temporarily escaped
if u wanna escape for a while go outside and since the terrace is partially open u'll be able to hear the music just as good without being inside!
if u wanna escape for a while go outside and since the terrace is partially open u'll be able to hear the music just as good without being inside!

Exactly, the beauty of DC10's policy is that you can go in and out as much as you want. And outside on the parking you have all the peace and space you need. And you can still enjoy the music!