dazzle trees


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the san jose council has commissioned two artists to paint the dead trees by the side of the san antonio to ibiza road, which runs all the way through the ayuntamiento.


the trees are certainly an eye catching feature of the landscape, and each one bears a plaque with a small verse on it.
are the trees quite close to each other or do they just randomly appear down the road sporadically? a photo of several painted trees lined down a road would be cool 8)
they're sporadic. they're all dead trees and the artists got permission from the land owners to paint them. they stretch all the way from san an to ibiza.
I think thats prity cool. Not a big fan of modern art but well done to the artists nice new fresh idea. Think it looks good. If it was in uk they'd have used a chain saw
Oh Earth, Wait For Me

Return me, oh sun,
to my wild destiny,
rain of the ancient wood.
Bring me back its aroma, and the swords
that fall from the sky,
the solitary peace of pasture and rock,
the damp at the river-margins,
the smell of the larch tree,
the wind alive like a heart
beating in the crowded restlessness
of the towering araucaria.

Earth, give me back your pure gifts,
the towers of silence which rose
from the solemnity of their roots.
I want to go back to being what I have not been,
and so learn to go back from such deeps
that amongst all natural things
I could live or not live, it does not matter
to be one stone more, that dark stone,
the pure stone which the river bears away.
I really like those! A nice new touch. What's the chances of those still being there come summer though?
the trees will still be there.......... but there are not that many so you will have to keep your eyes open to spot them ---> :eek:

i shall add it to the list of photos i intend on taking...

CocoLoco and Tirri, Dalt Villa Erection, Dazzle Trees

any others while im thinking of random things to post in a reply to this thread?
Does anybody know the names of the artists who painted the trees or how I could get hold of them? I'm writing some stuff for publication about the island's more offbeat attractions. (Although, when I think about it, everything here is offbeat :confused: )