Day Six No Booze.........

1. post-gluttonous 'guilt'
2. everybody else is doing it and therefore so must I
3. panic in case you look porkier than your mates
4. the psychological illusion that because the digits on the calendar year have changed, this means that somehow you are going to be more fulfilled this year than last (this usually wears off by about week 4)
1. Never had it
2. Not susceptible to such peer pressure :lol:
3. liquid-only diet will fix that in a few days :lol:
4. :lol:
I personally don't understand the purpose of this "detox" business. I've been drinking daily on vacation. :lol:

Personally, the New Year is just a convenient time for me, other people are at it so you miss out on less. I've been consuming about 150-200 units of alcohol a week for years. Never really had a detrimental effect, but I've been getting slower at football and have aged an awful lot. 8 days into detox, I feel and look so much better.

This extreme detox is temporary, but I hope to moderate a bit after.....
I ridicule everybody else but of course neglect to mention that I am furiously at it myself (as agentundercover wryly noted last week)
I must confess to usually doing jan without any beers / wine after over indulgence at xmas. The over indlugence never happened so I haven't bothered with any detox.
I must confess to usually doing jan without any beers / wine after over indulgence at xmas. The over indlugence never happened so I haven't bothered with any detox.
I'm much more worried about eating habits over the holidays (holiday meals, vacation eating patterns... general excess) than I am about the drinking. I'll be on a diet for the next couple of weeks to shed holiday pounds. :(
I don't see the point in deprivation, everything in moderation is fine. I prefer to just do everything and anything thats bad for me in the hope that in 20 years time science will allow a revearsal of the effects of all the world's evils :twisted:
How's it going Buckley? I'm in the unenviable position of being on Day 1 of 29. I'm feeling quite positive about it however - it's already got me out of a tedious birthday pub crawl with the Swingers :lol:
How's it going Buckley? I'm in the unenviable position of being on Day 1 of 29. I'm feeling quite positive about it however - it's already got me out of a tedious birthday pub crawl with the Swingers :lol:

Stepped of the wagon gently on Friday. Had a couple at West Ham Arsenal on Sat (where I was admonished by Kris Akabusi, no less:lol:), a couple on Sat night and a few yesterday.

Am going to moderate from here on in!
the weekend saw the first booze of the year but it was pretty moderate by normal standards so still not doing too badly by my standards

After one of the most stressful weeks I really could do with a tipple. however am resolute to at least get through one weekend without a drink. Just to see if I can.

Have a good one folks and have a drink for me. Sailor Jerrys and Diet Coke would be nice thanks xxx
I can't remember the last day I didn't have at least one beer :p Going out to get my fill in just a few minutes :lol:

(but the diet is going well... lost 2 of 4 holiday kilos. Halfway there! 8) )

Well done. Haven't drunk any beer whatsoever for well over a year now, i'm a wine man all the way.
I have to fess up that I caved in about 3 hours after posting the above rant. However I've only drank one bottle of wine over the whole weekend :D

The husband the smug b$£&@* has managed ALL weekend and is confident of lasting the whole month. :spank: :lol: