Day Six No Booze.........


Well-Known Member
.......and the inevitable has happened. No, I haven't fallen off the wagon, I've had 'the thought'.

Woke up, fresh as a daisy this morning, thought I'll go and get some work done at the office. Driving in, music blaring and there it was:

"Bloody hell I'm feeling marvellous, maybe I'll give up drinking altogether!"

Luckily I caught up with myself before I made any Facebook announcements! :lol:
Yep I aint had had any since sunday 2nd so thats nearly a week for me. Tho being ill all week may have had something to do with it :lol:
Was wondering if I could do the whole month. If I line up some work next weekend I might have a fighting chance
Yep I aint had had any since sunday 2nd so thats nearly a week for me. Tho being ill all week may have had something to do with it :lol:
Was wondering if I could do the whole month. If I line up some work next weekend I might have a fighting chance

Do it! Admittedly, I'm planning in 29th January breakout......
I have had none since NYD apart from a can of wife beater with a ruby the other night. I do feel much better for it though.

I am thinking about starting smoking full time to substitute my chemical intake. I might just go straight for the nicotine patches though as the deals are good at the moment.
I'm not stopping drinking as I only have a few at weekends anyway.

I am, though, definitely trying to cut back on 'other stuff', keeping it for special events only. My goal is no 'other stuff' until a big club night I have planned in mid-Feb.
Its my b-day on Wednesday so there's never any point in trying to start a detox from 1st or 2nd Jan, however I am attempting a dry four weeks after this weekend.

Temptation stands in my way on the 28th Jan though as I have a massive company conference where I work a 17 hour shift with the events team, and there's free booze & accommodation on offer.....:spank:
Being a virtual non-drinker these days anyway - I cant say my world would collapse around me if someone said - no more alcohol for you....

I had half a bottle of wine on Fri when I got in after a "s***e" day at the office and had a headache by 10.30 LOL so went on to tea :oops:

Phil and I worked out over Christmas and NY we drank between us the grand total of 1 1/2 bottles of wine and half a bottle of Bailey's.... :oops: :oops: :oops:

We have lager in the fridge that might actually be in danger of going off :lol::lol:

According to my last health check I am classed as a binge drinker as I only drink once in a while and consequently get hammered - and therefore a danger to my health WTF?!?!?! :eek:
.... by the way - wasnt trying to be all "virtuous" and "holier than thou" there - its just alcohol isnt my drug of choice 8)
Being a virtual non-drinker these days anyway - I cant say my world would collapse around me if someone said - no more alcohol for you....

I had half a bottle of wine on Fri when I got in after a "s***e" day at the office and had a headache by 10.30 LOL so went on to tea :oops:

Phil and I worked out over Christmas and NY we drank between us the grand total of 1 1/2 bottles of wine and half a bottle of Bailey's.... :oops: :oops: :oops:

We have lager in the fridge that might actually be in danger of going off :lol::lol:

According to my last health check I am classed as a binge drinker as I only drink once in a while and consequently get hammered - and therefore a danger to my health WTF?!?!?! :eek:

I would be the same - only ever drink a lot on a big night out! Otherwise can go for weeks without drinking - just never really drink at home!
I personally don't understand the purpose of this "detox" business. I've been drinking daily on vacation. :lol:

Back home now and unfortunately forgot to leave myself some beer in the fridge so I guess it'll be a dry night tonight :evil:

Will be back on it this weekend :D
I personally don't understand the purpose of this "detox" business. I've been drinking daily on vacation. :lol:

Back home now and unfortunately forgot to leave myself some beer in the fridge so I guess it'll be a dry night tonight :evil:

Will be back on it this weekend :D


Will we be seeing a thread on colonic irrigation next......
I was hinting at that particular thread. At the time I remember Morbyd started a thread about going out for a greasy burger and beers in competition with the colonic thread :D
I personally don't understand the purpose of this "detox" business.

1. post-gluttonous 'guilt'
2. everybody else is doing it and therefore so must I
3. panic in case you look porkier than your mates
4. the psychological illusion that because the digits on the calendar year have changed, this means that somehow you are going to be more fulfilled this year than last (this usually wears off by about week 4)