David guetta

BTW - Am I the only person who refers to her as Nicky Minge ?

Judging by some of her pics should be nicki fat minge or maybe nicki meat n two veg. She is somebody that I really wish could be stopped from ever making ahem 'music'.
Honestly i use to be on the fence about Guetta saying that he had his place and that even though it wasn't my thing he should have some respect for doing what he has done.................................. however this has now changed.

I have seen him 3 times and every time he has proven that he is insanely lazy and that he just does what he has to do to pick up a pay cheque. Least the Swedes mix up the set list and throw in a couple of old classics or maybe new tracks , Guetta plays the same old **** and can't mix.

Everybody knows that Joachim Garraud is the only reason why Guetta even made a name for himself.
Guetta simply gives what people want.

Dumbed down, processed nursery rhymes for a dumbed down crowd.

Clearly millions of people love what he does.

I flicked through the music channels the other night and most of the music has such a common formula, it's absurd.

How many tracks have a "Oh Oh Oh" chant or chorus in them? Regardless of supposed genre? It's mandatory.

And the practise of incessently repeating a single word or phrase at the end of a line?
Jesus wept.

Or the practise of every song starting off in a cresendo / anthem without any build up?

The worrying thing is that popular genres are becoming redundant, which is where most young uns get their musical education and move onto more discerning stuff.

For example when I was younger,

You bought the Bon Jovi album and three albums later you were onto Slayer.

You bought De La Soul and three albums later you were into Public Enemy.

You bought Kylie Minogue and three albums later you were into boys.

All the stuff nowadays is a just a pulling together of bits to make a cros genre frankenstein monster of a song and the worst bit is - millions fcking love it!

It's like the end bit of that film, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, "stop thinking for yourself, it's so much easier if you give in and join us" ARRRRRRGGHHHHHHHH:evil:

Anyway i can tell this is turning into a rant, so apologies.

But if you love this type of music I admit I've envious of you, because it's got to the point now that I wish the Radio stations would start playing ****ing Adele again just to provide some variety :lol:

Apologies to the OP. Have fun, which is ultimately what it's all about.:lol:
Guetta has always been **** - fact.

The sad thing about it is that it's the same people who jumped on the guetta bandwagon when he became massive about 5 years ago now think they are cool by giving him abuse whilst listening to the latest hot natured podcast...
Why wont he return Boyzone`s star Ronan Keatings calls.As reported in The Star yesterday..:lol: For the love of EDM we need a Guetta/Keating track ASAP..:p
Guetta has always been **** - fact.

The sad thing about it is that it's the same people who jumped on the guetta bandwagon when he became massive about 5 years ago now think they are cool by giving him abuse whilst listening to the latest hot natured podcast...

yeah, but that is musical taste evolving. that happens to everyone
When i ask my 14yr old Daughter last month would she like to have her picture taken outside the guetta shop in PDB(lots of people getting photos outside),she said"NO im 14 not a 40yr old Sado...they sure grow up fast..:lol:
yeah, but that is musical taste evolving. that happens to everyone

It does if you truly love music and you have half a brain in your head. Some people go on a musical journey; some people are told what they like and are spoon-fed it every step of the way.
When i ask my 14yr old Daughter last month would she like to have her picture taken outside the guetta shop in PDB(lots of people getting photos outside),she said"NO im 14 not a 40yr old Sado...they sure grow up fast..:lol:

where is this??? purely for entertainment purposes :D
Its opposite the bus stop on the main road just up from the Tabac shop. Its the F**k me im famous one,don`t know how long its there.
yeah, but that is musical taste evolving. that happens to everyone

A lot of people are quite happy just following the latest trend dj and jumping from bandwagon to bandwagon just because it's cool. Even changing the genre of music they listen to.

SHEEPLE :twisted:
You bought Kylie Minogue and three albums later you were into boys.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I detested "I should be so lucky" when I was in Primary School.

Preferred Kraftwerk.

...some good points, but on 'evolution of taste' - good music doesn't become disposable.

Just because it's yesterday's news it doesn't mean it doesn't get an airing in my flat.

Real music doesn't date.