Dave Pearce Euphoria every friday at Eden

Edwin B

New Member
Yesterday announced Dave Pearce on his Radio 1 show that his Euphoria will move from saturday to fridaynight. Huge compitition then with Pete Tong's Pure Pacha nights I think.
their would be no competition between him and pacha me thinks. Why?? two different types of crowd...
my also be another reason

8) saturady is genrally arrival or departure day. so you run the risk of a not so busy night.
hmm then Saturdays nights in San An will definately be BOOOORING!
But as long as he still spins the decks, then it´s all good!
Edwin B said:
Yesterday announced Dave Pearce on his Radio 1 show that his Euphoria will move from saturday to fridaynight. Huge compitition then with Pete Tong's Pure Pacha nights I think.

What is the difference between these two guys styles of music? Im in the US and I like such as artists as Lasgo, Ian Van Dahl, DJ Jean, DJ Tiesto, Paul Van Dyke just to name a few, and Im trying to figure out which clubs to visit during my trip in July to hear these types of artists?? :P


If thats the type of music you like then you're probably best hitting es paradis, eden and maybe check out a night or 2 at amnesia. :lol:
With Lasgo, Ian Van Dahl and DJ Jean in his 'like' list I suggest he gives the west end a try out too! :lol:
From what I have read on the posts and website. The west end is pretty dirty. What are the advantages/disadvatages of the west end in your opinion? Right now Im thinking of staying in Playa D'en Bossa or San An.
Thanks! :P