Darius Syrossians relationship terminated with Tribal Sessions?!

Sante, Sidney Charles have also left Sankey's future line ups (as well as DJ Sneak distancing himself from the club/promotors), with recent post on Facebook. Saying they are sticking by Darius.

A new 1st May event in Manchester will go ahead, with details to be released soon...also it looks like they will be sorting out their own Ibiza gigs too.

From what I remember Darius' relationship with VIVA ended after BPM. Darius has always been good to fans, offering them guestlist places, and being very friendly over social media and in person. Apparently Darius had secured guest list places for fans and BPM picker wouldnt let them in, Darius had a heated word with the woman in charge of the guest list, and that resulted in security trying to remove him from the gig (he had finished his set, and was in the booth whilst Lawler was playing). In doing so the security roughed him up....there was a video put up on Twitter at the time.

At the time im pretty sure reading that Darius understood that Lawler was limited to what he could do due to South America business deals they had and it would be an expensive loss to pull out of them, but soon after Darius and Viva parted company.

Personally I think VIVA didnt like Darius' public rant (even though I think he was right to do so), and Darius would of liked a bit more backup from his management.

Haven't a clue on what beef there is with the Martinez Bros, and The only thing with the CUFF guys is that Darius said that Tribal's excuse for getting rid of him was because he was bringing the club and brand into disrepute. Darius replied to this by saying that one of the CUFF guys was abusing one a party goer on Twitter.... and surely that is doing the same?

Club politics!

Losing Syrossian is bad, but Sante and Sidney Charles aswell, thats a real hit.

All of a sudden tribal doesn't appeal to me one bit. Shame.
I didn't realise that door pickers still existed? It seems Sankeys and Studio 338 in London have these on the door, meaning people that travel for miles with tickets they have already paid for havent been able to get in without no reason. i.e. "Sorry not tonight lads", or if their face just doesnt fit.. Its understandable if there is genuine reason for concern such as large groups of lads, but for people who have come in pairs, its out of order.

One of the reasons that I love Ibiza, never been refused entry to a club.
Myself and 4 friends traveled to the Sankeys Opening at Studio 338 in Feb and were questioned on the door by a women, she got really funny. We had came via train from Coventry and already had tickets for the event purchased aswell as an apartment rented on the isle of dogs. I mean what gives them the right to refuse entry if you already have a ticket? Towards the end of the night we noticed a group of around 20-30 Gypsy females/males on the dancefloor, they caused no trouble to my knowledge but found it abit laughable that us 5 nearly got turned away.
Myself and 4 friends traveled to the Sankeys Opening at Studio 338 in Feb and were questioned on the door by a women, she got really funny. We had came via train from Coventry and already had tickets for the event purchased aswell as an apartment rented on the isle of dogs. I mean what gives them the right to refuse entry if you already have a ticket? Towards the end of the night we noticed a group of around 20-30 Gypsy females/males on the dancefloor, they caused no trouble to my knowledge but found it abit laughable that us 5 nearly got turned away.

I've been to 338 a few times and been ok but seen plenty turned away ... I would say to be fair the crowd were really good in there which is what they seem to be trying to create rather than the over selling of tickets ...
let's just say anyone not tied to Darius would give a VERY different account of what happened at BPM.

Not defending Sankeys but with all the bridges he's burned, where there is smoke there usually is fire.
To be honest I can't believe we have ppl criticising him for a) being a knob to bouncers/security, & b) sticking up for us little ppl!

If he's been a prick, he's been a prick to ppl who quite often deserve it. (and this is coming from someone who usually sits on the fence when it comes to the behaviour & conduct of security)
I wouldn't stand-up to an enormous hulk of a man (or, indeed, men - plural) twice my size for refusing my friends guestlist because I'm a coward and I value my teeth. He did. He took the moral high ground and got pummelled for it. For that he deserves our respect. He certainly gets mine.

Same thing with Sankeys. He's sticking up for us guys.

Regardless of whether he is arrogant, we should be applauding him. Sankeys does take the piss with their door policy. There are members of this forum who have been treated like shite at the Manchester venue I recall. You can't defend that attitude of "if you don't look right you're not coming in" Excuse me. What the f***?! How dare they have that attitude. Towards paying customers no less! That goes so against where this scene was built-up from and they have the cheek to call themselves "underground." That is F'N elitist. Pure & simple.
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I do sit on the fence somewhat when it comes to door pickers.

Mid nineties it was common practise at some clubs in Edinburgh. One club I used to frequent was notoriously difficult to get into but was always sold out. The reason being it attracted the right sort of people (it was a mixed club) and therefore presented a safe and friendly environment where people could be themselves (it was fairly debauched) A number of clubs in Edinburgh have started off successfully in the underground with a good crowd and then word gets out and before you know it the whole ethos of what the club was originally about is eroded and the original crowd have left. The club normally doesn’t last that long after that.

Also, people in shorts and football shirts at the likes of Pacha? That just tells me the person isn’t suitable and probably doesn’t realise what the place is really about. If I see a group of drunk guys dressed like that it spoils my night.

Not condoning the behaviour of Sankeys as I don’t really have enough knowledge of the reasons why they are so bad, by the sounds of it they are just being idiots and it is more to do with over selling tickets and having to turn people away to keep numbers down (which is bad!).

It is about how you treat people in general, but also ensuring that you don’t attract a group of people who are going to stand on the dancefloor updating their face book status all night. A solution would be to let people in and if they aren’t the right ‘fit’, give them their money back and ask them to leave.
let's just say anyone not tied to Darius would give a VERY different account of what happened at BPM.

Not defending Sankeys but with all the bridges he's burned, where there is smoke there usually is fire.

Can you tell us more?
I have to agree with you there Dirks. I have been knocked back from Sankeys Manchester which don't get me wrong pissed me off at the time but if doing this creates a better atmosphere in the club then I do see the point. I think what pisses people off is when they have travelled from far and wide and get refused entry even when they have tickets, if you are coming to a night in Manchester but live in Newcastle and are going to see a certain DJ you will be going to the club for the right reasons and not some pissed up idiot out to cause trouble.
Agree. If you have gone to the bother of purchasing a ticket and/or travelling, I would assume you are a dedicated enough clubber and you would be the type of person I would like in my club.

If someone turned up pissed wearing a football top and shorts however, I would maybe have a quiet word and give them their money back. I would hope if someone was serious about their music this wouldn't be the case.
I quite agree about football shirt in clubs lol But a simple dresscode policy addresses this issue. I've been turned away from Pacha one of my first visits to the island for wearing "sports shorts" I simply went back to my apartment, got changed and got let in no problems. That was just naivety on my behalf. And the security was very polite and sincere about it. No harm done, lesson learned.

And if ppl's behaviour is not in line with the ethos of a night / venue then ask them to leave (or throw them out if you really must!) so long as their ejection is based on their behaviour, and not how they "look".
I've been turned away from Space once before and this was all my fault I was smashed and tripped up as i was walking in the door. The bouncer simply told me to go home for a few hours don't drink or take anything then come back and I will be let in. This for me is how it should be bouncers/ door pickers doing the right thing for the club/night.
My first visit to Space I was a sorry state. Highly intox. I don't recall much, but I must have been a nightmare. My gf at the time was warned I'd be thrown out unless my condition improved, and I was ushered to a quiet area to sober up.

Those were the days when my only intoxicant was alcohol.
in my opinion, the vast majority of the time someone is turned away from a non-'posh' type club with presales in hand, it was probably warranted.

Also, presale tickets typically do have an statement saying they have the right to reserve entry of course if you are the person being denied you'll be pretty upset.
Unfortunately sankeys manchester has had a problem for years, so much so that living only 40 mins away from it, and being a regular clubber for over 12 years i've only ever been to sankeys 3 times. It's has always been a hassle for getting in. Once you've paid for the ticket what do you do!?!