Darius Syrossians relationship terminated with Tribal Sessions?!


Active Member
Tribal Sessions facebook page has just posted that they have ended their relationship with Daruis for bringing the club and brand into disrepute.
I wonder whats happened here then?
Yeah I've just read that as well. I thought Sankeys & Syrossian had an unbreakable relationship? Any ideas anyone?

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Be interesting to see if they try and replace him with someone to head up tribal. It would be difficult to get a "big name" now for sankeys ibiza evey week surely.
I always considered him as the main Tribal guy, so like you say to replace him this close to the start of the season is a tall order.

It's the last paragraph that I'm thinking about...what has he done to wind up Martinez Brothers, Cuff etc enough to get mentioned in this instance? Intresting...
From DS Twitter
@DariusSyrossian: i always said,if Sankeys continue to over sell tickets & then abuse+turn away fans who have travelled for miles ill leave,simple as that! :)
Yeah sankeys door in manchester can be a bit tricky sometimes but something tells me there is more to it than that.
Yeah something more to it than that I think. He posted this on Facebook around an hour ago...

'Announcement for all people buying tickets for May 1st, we are now not playing Sankeys Manchester on that date.... but our manager is looking for a replacement venue in Manchester for Myself, Sante and Sidney [Charles] on that date.'

Does this include any Sankeys Ibiza dates for the other two as well then? Something isn't adding up...
there are plenty of clubs in manchester that would take them 3 at short notice i reckon. yeah i think we will be hearing lots of different rumours over the next few days.
He obviously likes to throw his toys out the pram. Did it at bpm and got a slap, slagged off both solomun and cuff for favouring nights at pacha claiming they chased the money and now biting the hand that feeds him by slagging off the door policy and how the club is run.

Be interesting to see if they draft in a replacement or promote from within for the weekly residency that he leaves.
Surely they can't have a new resident lined up this quickly...they released Syrossian at 5.30pm . Its now 10pm....was this planned for a while in that case?
Between Vincent, Hughes & Whittle I'm sure they can get someone new in fairly quickly. Especially if it's an up & coming Dj.

DS has suggested Hughes arrival is one reason for his departure.

DS thinks Argy will be the new resident.
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I know ive posted this in another thread, but I'll repost here. My 2 cent:

Darius obviously has a history of rubbing ppl up the wrong way. Is he arrogant? Yes, I think so. A lot of DJs are though.

What I would say is that he is one of the few who interacts with his fanbase on social media with personal replies. He engages people. Listens to them.

So far as I could see (and I was close to falling asleep when it all kicked-off) his main gripe seems to be with Sankeys' door policy - presumably in Manchester & London as opposed to Ibiza. And if that is the case, then frankly it is admirable.
As for his replacement? Could be anyone of the next generation who Sankeys have nurtured this past 24 months. Shlomi Aber? Samu.l?
Can anyone fill me in to what went on with Darius and Viva, Martinez Bros and CUFF? always thought Syrossian has came across as a top bloke?
Equally, I have no idea. I guess the VIVa thing must be related to BPM 2014?

It's really bad form for Sankey's to list those entities like, regardless of whether it is true or not. I can't imagine Lawler, The Martinez Bros et al are very happy that they've behaved in this manner. Very unprofessional imho.
Can anyone fill me in to what went on with Darius and Viva, Martinez Bros and CUFF? always thought Syrossian has came across as a top bloke?
I think the viva thing was the incident at bpm last year. Darius was allegedly beaten up by security there for being rude to the lady with the guest list. He had promised some people entry and they were turned away. Darius claimed that lawler stood and watched him get beaten up and did nothing to help hence darius left viva and released a track i think on hot creations aimed at lawler and viva