R Robo New Member Nov 21, 2003 #1 I have seen this album around a bit, and have listened to it whilst in the shop. it seems like a really good album. Has anyone got it? I am intrigued by the producer Damien Rice. Can anybody be kind enough to tell me a little bit more about him?
I have seen this album around a bit, and have listened to it whilst in the shop. it seems like a really good album. Has anyone got it? I am intrigued by the producer Damien Rice. Can anybody be kind enough to tell me a little bit more about him?
G gecko2 Guest Nov 21, 2003 #2 I've heard a little about him, not much though. Check http://www.damienrice.com
S shearer's_lovechild Guest Nov 21, 2003 #4 damian rice album's good if ur in2 jeff buckley emotional, post break up kinda stuff, he's like a good david gray but jeff is the man(rip)
damian rice album's good if ur in2 jeff buckley emotional, post break up kinda stuff, he's like a good david gray but jeff is the man(rip)
M monkehUK New Member Nov 21, 2003 #5 My brother is into that style of music, he told me it was utter crap, sounds ok on the first listen, but doesnt last like David Gray etc!!
My brother is into that style of music, he told me it was utter crap, sounds ok on the first listen, but doesnt last like David Gray etc!!