dab @ privilege!!


Super Moderator
the duo dab (digital analog band) will be playing at privilege this year accompanied with a live band!! :eek:

dab comes from zaragoza (spain) and includes a member of the disappeared heroes del silencio!! :eek:

their first album is called the best and it was released by the cafe del mar label!! 8)

they describe their music as lounge - electronica. chillout to my ears!! :p

more info and some mp3 here:
:arrow: http://www.digitalanalogband.com

the dates are:

· june 20th (friday)
· july 18th (friday)
· august 20th (wednesday)

see you there!! :D

the correct dates are:

· june 20th
· july 16th
· august 20th

the three shows will be organized by cafe del mar. other appearances will include bruno lepetre, joan ribas, gordon mathew, trumpetman, etc :!:
