Iata programul complet al clubului La Mania din Mamaia in perioada 30 aprilie - 3 mai 2003:
30 aprilie (miercuri) - Harlem Nights presents Lights Out powered by
- Steve Lawler
- Marc Cohen
Intrare : 300.000 de lei
01 Mai (joi) - Audiotherapy by
- Dave Seaman
- Oliver MacGregor
Intrare : 400.000 de lei
02 mai (vineri) - Marasoundsystem by
- MARA Barry Gilbey & Sarah Whitaker
- Livio
Intrare : 250.000 de lei
03 mai (sambata) - Jam Session
- Oliver MacGregor
- Barry Gilbey
- Livio
- Marc Cohen
- Rosario Internullo
- Raoul Russu
Intrare : 100.000 de lei
Dıd u see thıs!I hope Ill catch these partıes!Some of them I dunno.Can u gıve me some ıdeas about theme?Thanx mates!
30 aprilie (miercuri) - Harlem Nights presents Lights Out powered by
- Steve Lawler
- Marc Cohen
Intrare : 300.000 de lei
01 Mai (joi) - Audiotherapy by
- Dave Seaman
- Oliver MacGregor
Intrare : 400.000 de lei
02 mai (vineri) - Marasoundsystem by
- MARA Barry Gilbey & Sarah Whitaker
- Livio
Intrare : 250.000 de lei
03 mai (sambata) - Jam Session
- Oliver MacGregor
- Barry Gilbey
- Livio
- Marc Cohen
- Rosario Internullo
- Raoul Russu
Intrare : 100.000 de lei
Dıd u see thıs!I hope Ill catch these partıes!Some of them I dunno.Can u gıve me some ıdeas about theme?Thanx mates!