Crime in Ibiza??

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how is the crime in ibiza... is it safe to travel solo being female?
I never saw any trouble at all when i was there, but would still be apprehensive bout being there on my own. I stayed in San Antonio though, i wonder if people feel differently having stayed at other parts of the Island?

:D :P
well my male friends tell me not to go. I'm out going and really do not have any problems making new friends and vacationing solo... but would hate to end up raped and making it a bad trip...
After being there last month i can understand why people want to go it alone, i think it looks quite appealing, and theres no question u will meet all manner of interesting and lovely people! :D
Staying in San An there was a couple of times where some guy would be walking past and get a bit lairy or follow us up the street, thats what would put me off going by myself cos i am a bit fraidy cat :oops: :roll:
However, as long as youre careful i dont think it would put me off travelling solo :D
In two weeks, i was attacked and robbed (in the nicer area of ibiza town), and my friends apartment was burgalled. Thats obviously not going to happen to everyone but like any place it does happen.
is there places i def should stay away from? Places i shouldn't stay or clubs i shouldn't visit? i'm not canceling my trip so i guess my questions should more or less be 'where to stay away from'
I can't stress this enough- it is a quality place with SO much crime that other resorts but U CANNOT be careful enough, this go's for everywhere, Not just Ibiza, but if ur travelling on ur own u gotta be that little bit more conscious.
.....lets get this straight....don't expect to leave Space @ 0500..and walk thro Playa d'en Bossa to find a taxi , if you are a female and alone.....don't ...just don't....same goes for anywhere in the world..
yep, you have to watch out for them pickpockets. Although i would imagine there would be lots of ppl walking to/from Space @ 0500. Just make sure you have your wits about.

kittykat said:
how is the crime in ibiza... is it safe to travel solo being female?


Ibiza is very very safe, especially when you compare it to S. Florida. I went to Ibiza solo, and every night I went out I had a couple of hundred Euros and was wearing a $2000 watch, but never did I have to worry about getting mugged. But then again, I did not do anything stupid as getting smashed with alcohol and falling on my rear end on the beach. The bottom line is that it is a safe place as far as muggings, pickpockets and molestations are concerned.


nish said:
I can't stress this enough- it is a quality place with SO much crime that other resorts but U CANNOT be careful enough, this go's for everywhere, Not just Ibiza, but if ur travelling on ur own u gotta be that little bit more conscious.

I have absolutely no idea what this means.

yes there is crime in ibiza. criminals are attracted to the island by the easy pickings from millions of tourists with their guard down. however your chances of being victim to petty crime are low if you are careful and keep your wits about you. just like your home town.
Just use common sense, but I have met loads of people that travelled alone last season and they had a great time, you can do more things and dont have your mates moaning and arguing over where they do and dont want to go, best of luck. :D
i think there are so many f***ing horny motherf***s here in ibiza u just gotta be careful. its funny to see how niave some girls are... thinking these dudes are nice guys and are all suprised when they find out al they really want is sex. but i think this is the case in most places in the world and singles girls just need to beware there are jerk asses out there and these losers make is even more difficult for truely nice guys like me to meet quality women.
The general consensus is that its all about common sense... if you lack this then you are going to end up in trouble no matter what part of the world you are in!

But in answer to your question, I would definately consider ibiza a lot safer than home... walking home alone from san an didnt even phase me. Not the most genius idea I have ever had, but I didnt actually FEEL at risk. Then again, I aint a girl... and girls, you just KNOW that walking alone is a recipe for disaster!
andivokes said:
Then again, I aint a girl... and girls, you just KNOW that walking alone is a recipe for disaster!

Ejem, ejem...
I'm not sure I did understand...
Do you mean that if I'm walking alone I'm asking to be raped?
:?: :?: 8O :?: :?:
I think he means if you're a girl alone and you walk through a bad neighbourhood its putting yourself at risk.
I'm pretty sure thats what he meant too. The thing is, I know walking alone at night is bad if you're a chick but if you have gone somewhere by yourself it can be a bit intimidating asking random people to walk with u!!
Hmm, in hindsight perhaps I didnt phrase that particularly well!

But I do think that girls should make every effort to walk in groups, or at the very least in couples. Maybe you will be lucky enough to avoid any problems, but it just makes sense to avoid walking alone.

I didnt mean for one minute that any girl walking alone is asking to be raped... but she sure isnt doing herself any favours! We have to be realistic, this isnt the world our parents grew up in and we all have to exercise caution these days!
just use common sense.. your sure to meet loads of nice peeps who wouldnt mind if you tagged along anyway if your going to the same club/night. have fun and play safe!!! :D