Couples who met in Ibiza..


Active Member
...Just wondering if there was any couples still together who met in Ibiza? Someone done a post on how easy it was to pull- got me thinkin of how many people actually got a relationship out of it?

WTF! I think im turning into a girl!!!!!
I love this topic. Anyone who reads this with detailed regularity already probably knows, but I met my husband in Ibiza last August. In Eden. On a Judgment Sunday. He's a northern English lad and I'm a Chicago native. But nonetheless, it's worked. We were married in February 2003 in Chicago -- and wahoo! We're still mad for each other (as we should be).
I think the deal was, when I left Ibiza last summer, he had my contact info on a receipt (he still has it) and I had NOTHING -- not even his last name. I was pretty much sure it was a holiday-only type thing (not that I necessarily wanted it to be -- he was a great guy). When I got back to London for the rest of my holiday before flying back to Chicago, he got in touch with me, drove down from Manchester (the day after flying back from Ibiza -- that's total dedication), and we had one more day together.
Needless to say, neither of us was looking to hook up in Ibiza, neither of us was expecting anything, and POOF! It turned out to be the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Ahhhh... love....
wow! Married 4months on! Guess this year in Ibiza will be even more special for you both now! :)
Yep yep yep! Especially since we only spent a short amount of time together in Ibiza last year -- I'm getting giddy thinking about all the stuff we didn't do together -- it'll be like a whole new place.
(We're technically doing this year's trip as our honeymoon :D )
(I'm not sure what excuse we're coming up with next year...)
in 2001 when we wnet out there it was a last night 10 september
and we met these girls at our hotel we all went out that night togethere and my best mate met this girl karen they exchanged phone numbers etc well to cut a long story short they now live together and are due to get married february next year.

that night we two went to judgement sundays

waht a coincidence
Robo said:
there is one couple that does stand out.......

but who are they??

Are you talking about me and TMT :P

I met Tom 4 years ago on 17th July in Ibiza, it was Tom's first night (I had been there a wk) and we were in Eden of all places (in our defence there was nothing to do on Sat night in Ibiza those days and I was more of a caner and liked to go straight to Space), we met, then went onto Home@Space together, then down Bora Bora, ended up down Mambos at midnight Sunday. At 4am Monday morning we were still on our first date and playing in the playground round the Bay and I was doing cartwheels to impress him :P

I knew that night I had met the person who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with - we had had the best time clubbing, spent hours talking, realised we were both nutters :P

We were actually staying in same hotel so we spent the rest of the wk together, went to Manumission, Carry On, Renaissance, Cream, Ministry........Tom left night before me and we watched last sunset down at Mambos and we were both soooooo sad :cry: I still lived up north at the time, I was moving down to London a wk later with my job, the day I got back home, Tom rang, we spoke everyday that wk, I drove down to Fancy London Town on the Saturday, met Tom and we have lived happily ever after ever since :D

And Rob, I don't care if you take pi$$ out of me for being soppy in this post cos at the end of the day I love my babe :P ;)
Robo said:
Barbie said:
Are you talking about me and TMT :P

who else

:lol: :lol:

There's a couple of others, I knew about Mrs D and also Xpander did as well :D

Maybe even you will find true love in Ibiza Rob, altho on second thoughts there isn't much call for 14 year old gimps out there :P ;)
Barbie said:
Maybe even you will find true love in Ibiza Rob, altho on second thoughts there isn't much call for 14 year old gimps out there :P ;)

Ouch! Very harsh- But PMSL!!!!
Robo said:
that wasn't called for babs.....

and i was being nice to you

:lol: :lol:

You're never nice, you just try and lull me into false sense of security and then kick me when I've fallen for it :P ;)

Ok I hope you meet the girlie of your dreams out there this summer :D

(Poor girl :P )
saucer said:
I think that is a lovely story ;)

Aww thank you hon, I still wake up every morning and think how happy I am and how lucky I was to meet Tom there :D And it makes it even better going back to Ibiza cos we have all our special places there ;)
:) sat here with the most lovely smile on my face!

(hugs) to you all ... reading the above has put a smile on my face for the day !

I can't wait to introduce Michael to Ibiza ..
I met my boyfriend in June 1999 at Godskitchen, Amnesia. I'm from Southampton and he's from the Wirral so 250 miles between us.

I knew from the minute I met him he was the one and when we had to part it was quite emotional.

When we both got back we said we knew we had to be together despite the distance so we would see each other once a month as he worked 2 weekends out of 4. This went on for nearly three years, then in February 2002 I moved from Southampton to the
Wirral to be with him and we're still blissfully happy and will be
gracing Ibiza with our prescence once again on 3rd September
for 10 days YAHOO!
:) I don't think there is anything more Ibiza can bring to my relationship .. but, you never know, it's a special place! (So long asd it aint another small fry)
Well i meet a couple in the taxi queue on their way to space last year and we got chatting and decided to share a taxi. I ended up spending the whole night and most of the morning with them and then manu the next day, we got on so well. after returning to the uk we meet up for some clubbing in london and they introduced me to a beautiful single friend of theirs, we hit it off and we're still together now. so yeah kinda meet through ibiza and still going strong..........

This year the four of u s are gonna head out for the closing parties....roll on september
