☣ Coronavirus ☣

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It's not even a curve anymore it's basically a straight line upwards.

i saw my mam and dad for a few hours xmas day (i still technically live at home anyways but have been staying at the gfs recently) and managed to pass it onto them - obviously i didn’t know i had it then. All we did was have xmas dinner together. it’s scary how easy it is to spread about when you’re at your most contagious

on the other hand no one in the gfs house has had it/got it (they get tested twice a week because they work for the nhs) which i can’t get my head around... can you be immune:lol:
i saw my mam and dad for a few hours xmas day (i still technically live at home anyways but have been staying at the gfs recently) and managed to pass it onto them - obviously i didn’t know i had it then. All we did was have xmas dinner together. it’s scary how easy it is to spread about when you’re at your most contagious

on the other hand no one in the gfs house has had it/got it (they get tested twice a week because they work for the nhs) which i can’t get my head around... can you be immune:lol:
Hope your parents are ok, but yeah scary how easy it spreads. Small aerosol particles that hang in the air ?‍♂️

Suspect gf side probably had it and now got immunity (for a while at least)
i saw my mam and dad for a few hours xmas day (i still technically live at home anyways but have been staying at the gfs recently) and managed to pass it onto them - obviously i didn’t know i had it then. All we did was have xmas dinner together. it’s scary how easy it is to spread about when you’re at your most contagious

on the other hand no one in the gfs house has had it/got it (they get tested twice a week because they work for the nhs) which i can’t get my head around... can you be immune:lol:

or could it have come from your parents side and given to you?
Hope your all okay ??
Yes it's a weird one, my friend came to madrid and she stayed at her bfs family's house, her bfs parents and her bf sister and partner all had it, my friends slept in the same bed after they left (didn't know they had it at the time) and my friend and her bf never got it
Quite a serious tone from Boris tonight.

He will quite rightly get stick for the ridiculous scenario that kids have gone back to school today only to be sent home again. A load of Covid spread today for no reason.
Quite a serious tone from Boris tonight.

He will quite rightly get stick for the ridiculous scenario that kids have gone back to school today only to be sent home again. A load of Covid spread today for no reason.

said on Andrew Marr yday that he didn’t plan on shutting schools:lol:
said on Andrew Marr yday that he didn’t plan on shutting schools:lol:

Kier Starmer came across well just then, avoided going in with an 'I told you so' tone and went with a 'supporting the government' tone but the public know Labour pushing a lockdown has helped make this decision.
Ah well, another 6 weeks (min) of fecking misery to add to the 8 we've just had in Manchester. On the bright side it's winter (OK, when ISN'T it winter here??) and not going out means more money for hol...hlod...holl... - what are they called again? - which will now be around September. A two-month Ibiza season...can they start earlier if 50% of Brits and Spanish are jabbed??
Ah well, another 6 weeks (min) of fecking misery to add to the 8 we've just had in Manchester. On the bright side it's winter (OK, when ISN'T it winter here??) and not going out means more money for hol...hlod...holl... - what are they called again? - which will now be around September. A two-month Ibiza season...can they start earlier if 50% of Brits and Spanish are jabbed??
That's what I am doing this winter saving for hols, I should of done it last year would of have loads by now☹️

I think ibiza wont rely on jabs for tourism more realistic that they will ask for recent negative pcr test and do rapid testing...going to be a long boring winter
on the other hand no one in the gfs house has had it/got it (they get tested twice a week because they work for the nhs) which i can’t get my head around... can you be immune:lol:

Perhaps they had it during the first round before regular testing was available ?
So .... the primary schools which did open today are supposed to wave a magic wand and deliver online learning tomorrow morning instead having been told of this at 8pm. Seriously, you couldn't make it up .....

On the flip side I think there will be a few headteachers doing a celebratory dance that they're off the hook over testing school kids for 6+ weeks. Let's hope the hundreds of thousands of tests which schools received this morning don't have a short expiry date ?

Boris should write a book on U-turns ... it would probably make a 3 hour epic film .... haven't seen such bungling ineptitude over policy making and implementation outside of the 3rd world. Ever ...
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