☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Labour calling for a national lockdown.

I am in favour if it is a proper hardcore one. Schools shut, all non essential shops and non essential aisles of food shops shut. Takeaways shut. Non key workers furloughed if they can't work from home etc

Would have a massive economic impact but this flipflopping about isn't working. The public have become apathetic and are still wandering about shopping and meeting people like nothing is happening.
Labour calling for a national lockdown.

I am in favour if it is a proper hardcore one. Schools shut, all non essential shops and non essential aisles of food shops shut. Takeaways shut. Non key workers furloughed if they can't work from home etc

Would have a massive economic impact but this flipflopping about isn't working. The public have become apathetic and are still wandering about shopping and meeting people like nothing is happening.

agreed. As much as it pains me , and I will struggle, but one last 4-5 week push of complete lockdown so we can get a good head start on the vaccines and I’m all for it. In fact it’s a shame we didn’t do it 1 week ago at least
Same old reactive government.

I don’t advocate lockdowns, but they’ve messed up so much that I do believe we have no choice now.

Lockdown to the end of Feb. Reshuffle the folks manning the tests sites (not as many will be needed) onto the vaccine distribution and delivery.

It’s the biggest non wartime national emergency we’re ever likely to live through. Drastic times call for drastic measures.

I can’t quite fathom why the army are “on standby”? Mobilise them and make sure the only issue we have with jabbing peoples arm is either the number of folks coming forward or the actual number of doses we have on hand.
Same old reactive government.

I don’t advocate lockdowns, but they’ve messed up so much that I do believe we have no choice now.

Lockdown to the end of Feb. Reshuffle the folks manning the tests sites (not as many will be needed) onto the vaccine distribution and delivery.

It’s the biggest non wartime national emergency we’re ever likely to live through. Drastic times call for drastic measures.

I can’t quite fathom why the army are “on standby”? Mobilise them and make sure the only issue we have with jabbing peoples arm is either the number of folks coming forward or the actual number of doses we have on hand.

They need to sort out this stupid situation where retired NHS staff are having to fill in loads of different forms just to give a jab. Surely any proof of being an ex GP, Nurse etc is sufficient?

Apart from a sneaky journalist wanting to sneak in undercover I can't think why anyone would want to pretend to be an ex GP when they aren't, just to give a Covid vaccine.
They need to sort out this stupid situation where retired NHS staff are having to fill in loads of different forms just to give a jab. Surely any proof of being an ex GP, Nurse etc is sufficient?

Apart from a sneaky journalist wanting to sneak in undercover I can't think why anyone would want to pretend to be an ex GP when they aren't, just to give a Covid vaccine.

Really? There are anti-vaxxers and covid deniers who are stalking ambulances and sneaking into hospitals to film how they're supposedly empty - you don't think those sort of people wouldn't try and sneak through and sabotage?

This made me both laugh and cry at the same time.

I get the frustration behind having a lot of checks, but I think they're necessary even if time consuming. It's very British to have an attitude of "But I'm an X so I can surely do Y" and have the arrogance/self-belief to assume people should just take your word for it, but there are a lot of scummy people in the world and I'd quite like for them to be filtered out. What made me laugh about that article was how he was desperate to stress to the reporter just how much he wanted to help......until it came to filling in a few forms which would literally take him a no more than the single day spare he's got free which prompted him to volunteer in the first place.
Vaccine one side of the car park testing the other ?

think the racecourse is gunna be another vaccine centre up here!
Haha aye you couldn’t make it up!

I expected them to use the Utilita Arena but I think they’re going to be using the centre for life.
My Dad who has dementia was in hospital for 8 weeks at the end of November. His nurses were so kind and supportive, not just to him but to me.
It made not being able to see him so much easier. When I spoke to the people looking after him they were so warm and caring towards me as well as Dad. Equally concerned about how I was doing and coping.
I have not got enough good words to say about the NHS X
I'm the lead nurse for dementia at my Trust, so glad to hear you're dad had a good experience where ever he was ❤ Acute hospitals can be really tough places for people living with dementia, even more so with current restrictions on visiting
I can’t quite fathom why the army are “on standby”? Mobilise them and make sure the only issue we have with jabbing peoples arm is either the number of folks coming forward or the actual number of doses we have on hand.

I think they're all preparing to shove oversized cotton buds up kiddies noses in the school yard instead

I would advocate full lockdown if I thought that both the vaccinators and supplies of vaccines to go all-out, street-to-street if necessary, to get this done by end of Feb were feasible. Sadly I don't think that's manageable because one or other are limiting factors putting us on a collision course for months of this. Country just can't afford another 6 week full lockdown economically.
Why did the government not train people up over summer?? The adverts went out for jobs to deliver/ support vaccination in December, dont understand that at all
I done all the training recently to become a vaccinator, it's a complete joke, 19hours of e-learning in my own time (not sure If il get paid for this) and so many hoops to jump through.
If I wasn't so desperate for overtime I would have gave up. I know loads of AHPs who started the e-learning but gave up when they realise how long and tedious it is.
I already give injections daily in my clinic, an IM jab in the arm is probably the simplist injection you can do!

If they really were desperate for vaccinators they shouldn't have made so many hoops to jump through and Red tape.

*obviously some training and knowledge of the vaccine and mechanism of action is required. But trust me a LOT of the modules where completely irrelevant and unnecessary.
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A third ball? What dreams are made of surely!
What they don't tell you is that it will hang from your forehead.

But seriously, its intelligent design. Its like the little nub that hangs over the vibrator. Stimulates everything at once when you're eating ass!
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