☣ Coronavirus ☣

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There will have been loads of nurses who worked from 7am NYE, not stopped for 12 hours dealing with distress and death, no nurses arrive for the night shift so cant leave and when they do they go out to listen to those thick c**ts?
Maybe it's time to get a bit godfather on them:
" be a shame if you happened to an accident, wonder who would be looking after you"
Why did the government not train people up over summer??

Because this is a reactive Government in a reactive country that seems to have totally lost all the skills required to forward plan and prepare. One thing is for sure, there would have been no British Empire if the current generation were faced with the same choices - and I'm not talking about the improvement in attitudes, they would simply be incapable of it !

Modern-day Britain in a crisis >>>
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Instead of deploying the military to help test schoolkids, use them to vaccinate faster so the kids can get back instead of starting it all up, spending massive amounts of resources putting systems in and then ending up closing schools anyway ... which is what I am pretty sure is about to happen.

Or maybe the real issue is that the hoped-for supply of vaccines just isn't going to come through until Spring. Pushing back "normality" until well into the late Summer for the general population. So locking us all down and closing schools whilst they fail to deliver the vaccine programme fast enough is going to look too incompetent for even this Government to swallow ....
I believe the plan is for the military to support vaccination. They also need to be ready in case they are called on by acute hospitals

Why did the government not train people up over summer?? The adverts went out for jobs to deliver/ support vaccination in December, dont understand that at all
This made me both laugh and cry at the same time.
Because this is a reactive Government in a reactive country that seems to have totally lost all the skills required to forward plan and prepare.

Andrew Marr did make this point this morning. Said to Boris there has been warning in place for months of second wave and even for a different version of the virus, asked why the Gov hadn’t put a plan in place for schools etc and didn’t really get an answer? just the usual muttering and stuttering
They weren't testing anywhere near like they are now during the 1st lockdown so numbers then may have been higher. But its still a dreadful situation.
They estimate around 100k a day where catching it at the first lockdown. But that's an estimate of course. Wonder how close we are to actual 100k a day at min?
In our Trust we have 4 hospitals, since May one has been 'cold' for planned surgery etc. That now has 3 wards opening for Covid.

Second wave hasnt really hit yet in Birmingham but staffing of Registered Nurses already at extremely worrying levels.

Morale is beyond terrible. The clapping
wasnt great but a lot better than crowds outside hospital shouting 'Covids a hoax'. Cant explain how hard it is to listen to that nonsense when you get back from a shift.

It won't take a lot for the whole system to fail.
What you guys do is truly incredible and its heartbreaking that you have to put up with that shit.
Keep strong and keep doing what your doing. Thank you x
My Dad who has dementia was in hospital for 8 weeks at the end of November. His nurses were so kind and supportive, not just to him but to me.
They made the anxiousness of not being able to see him so much easier.

When I spoke to the people looking after him they were so warm and caring towards me as well as Dad. Equally concerned about how I was doing and coping. So reassuring, kind and good humoured.

I have not got enough good words to say about the NHS X
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If in may you are vaccinated against covid you will be able to enjoy your three weeks of vacation. For me, all airlines, all tourist destinations will impose vaccine to be able to restart all sectors of tourism activity !
If in may you are vaccinated against covid you will be able to enjoy your three weeks of vacation. For me, all airlines, all tourist destinations will impose vaccine to be able to restart all sectors of tourism activity !
Think there would need to be quite a bit of infrastructure for this to happen. At the moment in the UK, I don’t believe you are given any evidence of vaccination which would be showable on entry. Linking to a passport might be possible, but would e thought it’s a fairly major job
If in may you are vaccinated against covid you will be able to enjoy your three weeks of vacation. For me, all airlines, all tourist destinations will impose vaccine to be able to restart all sectors of tourism activity !

right now the vaccination process is going far too slow in most countries. at the same time the tourist destinations (ibiza just being one example) made it clear they can't survive another season like 2020. so I am thinking it will be either you are vaccinated (I think only a fraction of the population going to places like ibiza will be by may) or then, and that's gonna be the vast majority, it'll mean PCR test to get to the island and possibly lots of rapid tests on top of that to get to events. 2021 will be a tricky summer, but in ibiza currently everyone agrees solutions have to be found for this season
right now the vaccination process is going far too slow in most countries. at the same time the tourist destinations (ibiza just being one example) made it clear they can't survive another season like 2020. so I am thinking it will be either you are vaccinated (I think only a fraction of the population going to places like ibiza will be by may) or then, and that's gonna be the vast majority, it'll mean PCR test to get to the island and possibly lots of rapid tests on top of that to get to events. 2021 will be a tricky summer, but in ibiza currently everyone agrees solutions have to be found for this season

I think you are right. The only country remotely successfully rolling out the vaccine right now is Israel, who have vaccinated over 10% of the whole population already. But they are an organized country who are extremely competent at logistics. Unlike most of Europe including the UK !
right now the vaccination process is going far too slow in most countries. at the same time the tourist destinations (ibiza just being one example) made it clear they can't survive another season like 2020. so I am thinking it will be either you are vaccinated (I think only a fraction of the population going to places like ibiza will be by may) or then, and that's gonna be the vast majority, it'll mean PCR test to get to the island and possibly lots of rapid tests on top of that to get to events. 2021 will be a tricky summer, but in ibiza currently everyone agrees solutions have to be found for this season
Ah, a PCR test gift voucher would’ve been a great Xmas present!
I think you are right. The only country remotely successfully rolling out the vaccine right now is Israel, who have vaccinated over 10% of the whole population already. But they are an organized country who are extremely competent at logistics. Unlike most of Europe including the UK !

if Israel have vaccinated 10% - so 800k people or so, haven’t the U.K. gone past 1M ?

the programs are at full flow, a friend works at a hospital in Sussex and she reckons they will have vaccinated 500 people today alone
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if Israel have vaccinated 10% - so 800k people or so, haven’t the U.K. gone past 1M ?

the programs are at full flow, a friend works at a hospital in Sussex and she reckons they will have vaccinated 500 people today alone
It’ll increase as the days and weeks go on. I think there’s 101 hospitals and 540 GP surgeries that are now delivering vaccines. Saw one consultant tweet he was volunteering his day off and that they anticipated 1000 people innoculated that day.

There’s also other vaccination sites in use. One near us is in a sports centre.

Expansion is the only way they’re going to get close to the 2m per week being touted. Good luck to them, we all need it to be successful.
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