Conspiracy Theories

Some videos on 9/11 are interesting, but at the end of the day I still don't believe it was an elaborate inside job just to create hysteria so USA could invade Afghanistan etc etc etc
There is the truth (whatever it is) but in my opinion I think USA would defo go to them lengths to invade Afghanistan etc. false flag incidents litter the us history. There's too many anomalies in the "official" story behind 9/11 that have not even been covered up but just ignored. How many people on here know about the third World Trade Center that collapsed on 9/11? That didn't get hit by a plane? But still collapsed.......
I often feel that people are stupid. Most conspiracy theorists are this way because of Facebook, Netflix, YouTube. And the people who don't believe the conspiracies tend to be TV watchers and newspaper readers. Independent thinking is far easier if you avoid media. When people have knowledge of human behaviour, how politics works etc and they talk to me about a conspiracy theory based on that basic knowledge I'm interested.. but that rarely happens. It's usually because they saw this thing on Netflix and now they watch this man on YouTube.

That's my friend is everything explained in a Nutshell ! Im interested in conspiracy theories they are entertaining but really most of them are just storys and imaginations.