Conspiracy Theories


Active Member
I don't buy conspiracy theories and a bit of a realist. I think the world is just not that organized to have a higher being / illuminati running things, they can even get trains to run on time

Saw a good quote from Tim Sheridan America apparently being behind every colossally organised global conspiracy but they can’t even unlock one iPhone.

Makes you think :)
Im with Sheridan on this one all the way. Apart from the normal politics lying etc that is obvious every day
Yeah I agree to minimarc, I don't want to offend but most conspiracy theorists that I know believe they are not sheep, don't really want to work, usually stoners and think everyone should share their money with them. I work too hard for my money to share my wealth with bums !

They believe the conspiracy's because it suits their own agenda and makes them sheep in their own right.
Yeah I agree to minimarc, I don't want to offend but most conspiracy theorists that I know believe they are not sheep, don't really want to work, usually stoners and think everyone should share their money with them. I work too hard for my money to share my wealth with bums !

They believe the conspiracy's because it suits their own agenda and makes them sheep in their own right.
I tend to sway with the conspiracys but I work hard am not a stoner . And think we all should keep our own money we earn . And unless you don't pay your taxes , you unfortunately share your wealth with those bums .
if I want to earn 100000 a year they will try and tax me even more to keep me on the same level as those that will earn half that or quarter that . We are lied to by the press and our government daily and if people can't see that , they are fools.
I don't delve much in to some of the unbelievable conspiracys , but a lot of them have half a truth to it . Orwell 1984 predicted big brother and it's coming true , the higher beings are quickly taking over our lives and some of us don't even realise it , hey this message has probably already been read before I've even press the post button. We are all being watched and it's defiantly part of an agenda.
Give it 20 years and we will all have microchips inserted in to us from birth . You heard it here first .
So you want to pay taxes or you dont? not very clear, and whats that got to do with tinfoil and chemtrails?:spank:
I think his point is the people taking in the tax, or to be more precise based on the rest of his post this 1% owning 99% of the planets wealth are only going to get richer. That will increase their desire for power and the governments around the world will continue to invade our privacy. These super wealthy control our governments and there's all kind of secret wealth club theories, I just wish I was in the top 90% because after the last 6 months of utter disaster in our life I've never been so 'skint' but we all pay through the nose no matter how poor and the rich watch their wealth grow :rolleyes:
^^^ ah that explains it alot more nice one. Not sure all these super wealthies have to time to all sit around a table and discuss how they are going to control the world though
^^^ ah that explains it alot more nice one. Not sure all these super wealthies have to time to all sit around a table and discuss how they are going to control the world though
Of course they do. Why would they not invest time into continuing to be wealthy?
So you want to pay taxes or you dont? not very clear, and whats that got to do with tinfoil and chemtrails?:spank:
I've paid taxes all my life and haven't got a problem with it . It's just your tax percentage gets more the more your earn . You were just stating all conspiracy theorists want everyone to share there money with them Ie ponce of the state , which I am not doing. The conspiracy im talking about is keeping everyone at one level ^^ the 99 percent of the worlds population . So the other 1 percent get richer and take over the world . And keeping us all dumb down to a level were we don't complain and get on with our life's thinking we are in control of it .
I didnt ever mean C.Theorists sponge off the state I just didnt understand what you wrote before. Im not sure if its a conspiracy or just a natural product of rampant capitalism combined with human nature
That's the trouble we will never be sure if it true or not . I've got a friend who is mad on c . Theories
And he can bamboozle you so much with what he try's to explain , that you think he is mad . But it does plant the seed and make you think outside the norm . Just look at David icke when he was ridiculed in the eighties , only now more people are listening to him as some of his beliefs are coming true .
So a thread that was about conspiracy theory has just drifted off Into politics and social standing.

Here is one to start the tongues. what about Nessie?
So a thread that was about conspiracy theory has just drifted off Into politics and social standing.

Here is one to start the tongues. what about Nessie?

Conspiracy theory's range from the weird to political , apologies for sounding like I was drifting off but it's very much a conspiracy theory in my eyes .

Anyway "Loch Ness" I reckon something had been spotted many moons ago , they still find unusual deformed sea creatures in waters nowadays , so it probably was an over exaggeration to make the story's sound more interesting
conspiracy theory followers are just choosing which media they want to believe, and are completely devoid of independent thinking. Just a different type of sheeple.
What if they watch all sorts of media outlets. Bbc, Russia today, Internet, etc etc. that would make them an educated sheep wouldn't it? And less sheep like than the majority of people who are led by Murdoch and co. Baaaaaaaaa
conspiracy theory followers are just choosing which media they want to believe, and are completely devoid of independent thinking. Just a different type of sheeple.

My point - and most well the ones I know sit smoking weed dreaming all day that the world is against them, sorry yes money gives you power to a certain degree but at least they have to work for it rather than lay about no washing for days and smoking weed all day complaining about the illuminati and how they are controlling you. Get off your arse get a job earn some money and enjoy yourself, have nice holidays, buy nice things instead of dreaming up the world is conspiring against you because lets face it once you die (obviously few people be upset) the world is still going to carry on regardless so just enjoy it.
sheeple is one of my least favourite words. it gives the person saying it a massive air of douche / arrogance , like they are enlightened and everyone else is stupid...

Yep it has got more political than I thought , I was thinking of JFK shooting / Moon landing / 9:11 etc