Coming back from Salou today


Just killing time to the pick-up time for the flight home

Some observations

Salou is the self-esteem resort

So many fatty bongos about i feel like i a some sort of adonis!!!! 8O

Magnolia hotel was lovely, superb location and great facilities including lovely food at the restaurant.

the resort, however, is the typical resort
found it difficult to find decent places to eat (ended up 2 nights in a few)
spoiled with knowing good places to go to in Ibiza

weirdly the resort seems to shut down at 10/11pm apart from the kind of West End area filled with Red Lions and Robin Hoods

nowhere "cool" to go for a drink
and although clubbing was off the agenda, there was little to offer - La Pineda up the coast having a Pacha which seemed like any other club from the itinery posters

in summary

lovely hotel
lovely beaches
poor resort
awful nightlife

Ibiza i miss you!
Just killing time to the pick-up time for the flight home

Some observations

Salou is the self-esteem resort

So many fatty bongos about i feel like i a some sort of adonis!!!! 8O

Magnolia hotel was lovely, superb location and great facilities including lovely food at the restaurant.

the resort, however, is the typical resort
found it difficult to find decent places to eat (ended up 2 nights in a few)
spoiled with knowing good places to go to in Ibiza

weirdly the resort seems to shut down at 10/11pm apart from the kind of West End area filled with Red Lions and Robin Hoods

nowhere "cool" to go for a drink
and although clubbing was off the agenda, there was little to offer - La Pineda up the coast having a Pacha which seemed like any other club from the itinery posters

in summary

lovely hotel
lovely beaches
poor resort
awful nightlife

Ibiza i miss you!

You've just reminded me that I have Cyprus in a few weeks time - check - all the above!!!!!! :(:(:(
How'd your wallet make it through the trip?

I ask because that last weekend in September (We Love and Cocoon closings) looks mighty tasty. You KNOW it makes sense :lol: ;)

wallet is ok

holiday time at work left is not :cry:

in addition to the first post
got to airport at 19:30
flight boarding at 20:50 / flying at 21:10

at 21:30 - they put on the boards that we are delayed till 22:20
funny, cos i realised we were delayed at 20:51

First Choice = last Choice now
the only good thing about Salou is Port Ventura

and the only good thing about THAT is the Dragon Khan rollercoaster - vertical drops which give an amazing rush