Cocaine Boycott

russ said:
I think this campaign may have some success,6903,1412025,00.html

it's certainly make me think a little harder about the source of our good friend charles.

I still like Pupplylover's call for 'fair trade'.

what do you kidz think?

Mr PL might be off to Venezuala soon for a business meeting (legal business I might add before you starting putting your orders in!!) so I will get him to look into setting up a Fair Trade company shall I?
the problem is because it is illegal we (the consumer) are unable to differentiate between fair trade/non war funding charles and what we have today.

it's a good idea but I don't think it will have a big enough impact to be noticed.
I'm obsessively ethical when it comes to shopping for cosmetics & food etc so why should this be any different?

Aside from the fact that I think it's a s**t drug anyway, I think this is as good a reason as any to stop taking it.

Change has to start with the individual after all. I don't even want to think about where pills come from. :confused:
This is either a total boycott or nothing...

There are hardly ethical sources of supply... :rolleyes:

I am in favour if I can find another D.O.C.... :confused:
gingerfreak said:
I thought this was a thread about Yorkshire's favourite batsman and his latest fall from grace.

:lol: :lol: :lol: - Gingerfreak - thou ist so sharp thou ist in danger of cutting oneself...... brilliant!
gingerfreak said:
I thought this was a thread about Yorkshire's favourite batsman and his latest fall from grace.

Glad I read the thread before replying - beat me to it GL.

*doffs cap*
Robder said:
Change has to start with the individual after all. I don't even want to think about where pills come from. :confused:

Pills come from someone's garage meth/E factory. Ingredients include methanol and certian oven degreasers. Enjoy!

Robder said:
Aside from the fact that I think it's a s**t drug anyway, I think this is as good a reason as any to stop taking it.

You can say "shit" on this forum.
it does turn one into a gameshow-host-type-git though eh? And many say it stunts the creative thought process! I'm as guilty as the next but got to say mickees are for more fun...

One point this does highlight... If they want to stop it. Go to the source. Wonder how long it'll be before Bush wages war in columbia. Has he been mingling with any cartel lately??
kes said:
Wonder how long it'll be before Bush wages war in columbia.

If he does that you know that the Columbians will torch their coke fields, thus loosing all the smack for his own personal use.
ceteris paribus if you want to stop the suffering for the coca farmers, legalise, regulate and tax the feck out of it.
gingerfreak said:
Mark Sun said:
ceteris paribus

Man, I hadn't heard that phrase for literally years (since my economic A-level days) till I used it the other day, and then up pops the Sun with it! Excellent!

I haven't used it either, just kind of popped in there when I was trying to think of a quick way to discount all the social problems legalising coke would no doubt cause.. :)