Clubbing in January...

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I'm going to Ibiza in January, on the 17th (to the 4th of Feb) to be exact. Is anything open this late in the year? What can I expect? Should I just wait 'till summer?
if your interest is purely clubbing then i would forget coming for that length of time in jauary.
plus like many other places in the world, the christmas and new year festivities take their toll on peoples finances so many shops bars and restaurants close down for a month around this time.
having said that there are still plenty of places open and things to do - but i suspect you wouldn't be interested in them.
I always "take january off" when it comes to going out, as i feel bloated and fat from xmas + no one has any cash, its cold and it stinks really.
Ibiza-girlie said:
I always "take january off" when it comes to going out, as i feel bloated and fat from xmas + no one has any cash, its cold and it stinks really.

January is pap. I would rather be in Ibiza than here.

It's my birthday at the beginning of Jan and no one ever has any money to come out and do anything with me :cry: They better all get saving for my 30th though coz they will be made to attend my fantasmajorical 30th b-day mystery :lol: They've got a few years to save some cash though phew!!!
xpander said:
My birthday is January and I have to drag people out with me to celebrate, it's not fair! :cry:

My birthday is Jan as well, what date's your Tash?? Mine's 21st Jan but I start my celebrations about 2nd week of Jan and go thru til the 2nd week of Feb - I don't have a birthday, I have a birthmonth :P
I quite like having it in January cos it gives me something to look forward to after Christmas/New Year, Tom hates it cos it means he has to think what to buy me for Christmas and then a couple of weeks later start thinking about my birthday presents and according to him I am the most difficult person in the world to to buy for lol :? :P
My birthday is in January too and I hate it!

Nobody ever wants to come out, plus I can't ever go too mad coz I always have exams the same week, so I have to keep a clear head and revise.

My sister's birthday is in September and I remember I was really jealous of her as a kid as she always had better birthday parties than me!

Anyway in answer to your question, I personally would hold on to the summer months coz I like the heat, but like it has been said before anywhere is better than here!
Crystal said:
Barbie are you an Aquarius?

Yep, why are you??

Are you going to say that Aquarians are meant to be a bit mad and weird and random cos that's what people normally say about us :P
Yes I am!! And we totally rock!!

All the aquarius's i know are exciting, eccentric and fun!

Who says that about us?
(they must be jealous scorpions or something) J/K
Crystal said:
Yes I am!! And we totally rock!!

All the aquarius's i know are exciting, eccentric and fun!

Who says that about us?
(they must be jealous scorpions or something) J/K

'Mad, weird and random', 'exciting, eccentric and fun', it's all the same thing ;)

I don't really follow horoscopes but if I did I would say I was quite a typical Aquarius :P
I am not to into the horoscope thing, but one thing i know is that aquarius are pretty good signs to be.

Crazy or not! ;)
My birthday is at the end of January which is just about when people are willing to venture out to party after Chrimbo/New Year! And Aquarians rock ;) ;)