Clubber dies in Space

Feel sorry for the family but this has been filed in my "Sh1t Happens" drawer.

I agree, it doest happen that often... look at drink driving deaths, people chocking on their own vomit because of overindulgence in Stella and Vodka shots... you hardly hear about it.
The part that makes this sad is that this girl was on holiday, its the irony of it...
I would be interested in the stats of how many tourists die while on holiday in the med for all reasons, then how many of these happen on Ibiza, and how many are drug related...

I totally agree, it is awful, but 'Sh1t Happens'
I'd just be interested to know what actually happened. Was she on pills, if so, how many? Mixed with anything? Too much water? etc etc.

I know all the schpiel about more people die from a million other things etc etc. But still very sad to read about a 20 year old dying in Space, where most people on this board have had many an amazing night.
I'd just be interested to know what actually happened. Was she on pills, if so, how many? Mixed with anything? Too much water? etc etc.

I know all the schpiel about more people die from a million other things etc etc. But still very sad to read about a 20 year old dying in Space, where most people on this board have had many an amazing night.

Or if she had any underlying medical conditions? What I hate to see happen is a million stories about the drug crazed ravers spoiling Ibiza.

I know all the schpiel about more people die from a million other things etc etc. But still very sad to read about a 20 year old dying in Space, where most people on this board have had many an amazing night.

its sad when anyone dies in any state... A man died at one of my fave beach bars... it was a sad event because this is a place to have fun and enjoy yourself... he never touched drugs, just a heart attack at the age of 55... I think the thing with it being in Space, is it brings it home a bit... It could have been anyone of us or any of our mates... Thats why people get in a flap about it...
I think it is too early to pass judgement. When the ME finishes the exam we will know more if they release it to the public. It could have happened in the UK, USA, Germany or any where in the world.
A couple of guys died in my area recently after doing pills. It's hard to know exactly what to believe considering the amount of crap spoken by police and press, but suggestions are the pills were unusually strong.

There are a lot of high strength pills around at the moment (seen some tested up to 180mg mdma on pillreports), so it's worth either knowing more about what you're taking or dosing cautiously.

Maybe pills have been so low strength for ages that some people automatically double drop?
Thats why people get in a flap about it...

I'm not in a flap.

It's tragic for those close to her and my heart goes out to her family but no-one knows her medical history (i.e. the real health ailment that the pseudo-ecstasy pill is likely to have aggrivated).

The circumstances are unfortunate because it turns her memory into another pawn that can be used by our gutter media industry.

Death is an alarmingly regular occurrence. It's less that 'it could've been any of us' and more 'it WILL happen to all of us'.

180mg mdma on pillreports


The more of the genuine ingredient the better in my long as its used responsibly there's less harm in crossing the road and <insert cliche here>.

Granted - it's hard to know if what you're taking is genuine but I'm not sure how much I buy the 'bad drugs' bit. Sounds like another media cliche.
I have nothing against MDMA. I'd find a 180mg come up in a club pretty strong, tho, and if you're dumb enough to double or tripple drop because you're used to duds... Who knows? There are all sorts of possibilities (including to do with mixing, heat exhaustion, too much water, etc), but some tend to forget people die from acute alcohol poisoning/choking on vomit too.
Feel sorry for this girl. It's always a tragedy when someone is struck down so young whether or not they have an inadvertent hand in their own deaths.

Feel even more sorry for her family - it's pretty much impossible to come to terms with something like this.. and as usual, the press and lobby groups are going to seize on this girl's misfortune and exacerbate her family's suffering.

It's a fact that people take risks - whether it be jumping off cliffs, drag racing, binge drinking or dropping a pill. It's part of 'growing up' (and most of us are still 'growing up' in one form or another until the day we die, whatever our age). Possibly true that young people take more risks or at least more 'less measured' risks (exceptions on both sides of course).

Ignoring consequential actions which might in turn lead to harm to yourself or others, taking any substance when not under medical supervision, the precise content of which is not known with certainty is always going to be playing russian roulette with your life. It's just a case of how many empty bullet holes you reckon there may be in the barrel. If you're not willing to take that risk then don't take the substance. It's that simple in my view.

There was a time when the Dutch used to test pills for people before they entered clubs and I can't help thinking that there's still a compelling argument for this in order to try to help people who have decided to take drugs better manage the risks. But even with this there are no tests that will identify everything in a pill or powder bought on the street.

Posted entry 43 on this thread before I knew about all this :

You can safely conclude that I wasn't willing to take the particular risk that comes with consumption of uncontrolled substances at Space on Tuesday, but as far as having an unbelievably good time is concerned my prior post speaks for itself... without detracting from anything else I've said above - what a way to go !!

RIP Jodie.
We were just on our way to Channel Zoo and my GF got a txt from her mum, saying be careful as a girl has died :(

Such a just never know whats gona happen when you take any kinda pill, unfortunately :(
More tourists die in Ibiza from road accidents than drug overdoses. Think there was over a dozen road deaths last year, about 3 so far this season. Not to mention the pool drownings and jumps from hotel balconies.

Its always tragic when a young person looses their life. RIP.
More tourists die in Ibiza from road accidents than drug overdoses. Think there was over a dozen road deaths last year, about 3 so far this season. Not to mention the pool drownings and jumps from hotel balconies.

Its always tragic when a young person looses their life. RIP.

yeah and you never her about those but when a tabloid newspaper gets a story of a person dieing from an expected drug or alchohol overdose they make a meal of it!

RIP to that young girl. very sad.
Its a year ago since a local girl around my area was swiped from her mates hand and killed instantly but a hit and run spanish driver, who had 7 diff drugs in him :spank: