club/rave scene and people in general


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How many people old and young talk about raves and clubbing in your life? Bar the odd 3 people i know, nobody gets involved, knows what music i'm on about the difference between genre, or even knows what a rave is.

I see Alot of People my age are in mid 20s, go to walkabout bars, yatesys etc and think thats proper clubbing.

People in my gym who have been to Ibiza this year came back and say they have smashed it etc . When asked who they saw they replied Tiny Tempa and Craid David??!?! Yet mention afterlife at space and its like Huh?

Like many folk they look at you like your from another planet when you mention the club scene 90s house classics. Different raves, club nights etc

Oh...but they do know DJ EZ who to me is just a chav in a cap.

Example, bang felix dont you want my love on and it gets no recognition. Bang bruno mars on and everyone gets up and dances!

They seem to think everything on the radio thats played is the only thing ever played.

Are we part of a culture that is fading fast? Or a culture that only a selective few know about?
How many people old and young talk about raves and clubbing in your life? Bar the odd 3 people i know, nobody gets involved, knows what music i'm on about the difference between genre, or even knows what a rave is.

I see Alot of People my age are in mid 20s, go to walkabout bars, yatesys etc and think thats proper clubbing.

People in my gym who have been to Ibiza this year came back and say they have smashed it etc . When asked who they saw they replied Tiny Tempa and Craid David??!?! Yet mention afterlife at space and its like Huh?

Like many folk they look at you like your from another planet when you mention the club scene 90s house classics. Different raves, club nights etc

Oh...but they do know DJ EZ who to me is just a chav in a cap.

Example, bang felix dont you want my love on and it gets no recognition. Bang bruno mars on and everyone gets up and dances!

They seem to think everything on the radio thats played is the only thing ever played.

Are we part of a culture that is fading fast? Or a culture that only a selective few know about?

Same as it ever was. For every person losing it to farley jackmaster funk in 1987 another 100 were slow dancing to Tpau. Underground raving is still very niche & alien to most
Has it not always been this way tho. My partner goes out to dance and doesnt care or most times knows whos playing. On the other hand is my mates who can tell every song played n where they brought it in no matter wot state theyve been in
I'm a 'each to their own' kinda person. If those people who love EZ, CD and Tinie spend their time there - that means they aren't using up dancefloor space at Afterlife so that works for me :)

There's also the people who kinda like both sides of the coin. Id more than happily hit up a pool party at Rocks one day and then the deep depths of (what was) Space or Amnesia another night. Yeah, I couldn't name you every tune that was played, and I might not know all of the DJs...but I'm still having a banger of a time!

But I do love finding a fellow raver who knows what the hell im going on about :lol::p
People will ignore or show no interest until they have experienced Ibiza

My brother went for about 7 years. He told me many times I had to come and how great the music was....I suggested it wasn't my scene even though I was aware it was the party capital of the world. I had an opinion it would just be like a hyped up Magaluf and since I had done that and decided it wasn't me. I just couldn't picture myself in Ibiza for that reason

As years went and I got older and am one that likes to say I have done that. I decided to go to Ibiza just so I can at least see for myself and say I have been

And what an eye opener. Such a moving experience for me and I have become hooked

Now I find myself listening to more and more House/EDM and appreciating music so much more.

When I first went I had no idea of who the dj's were I just went with the flow but over time I am learning and have my own taste

Ants at Ushuaia was and is still the best event and taste I have been to even though they have all been good

Now when I try to tell people how good Ibiza is or show them what a proper tune is when they ask me if I have heard that new chart topper. They are most likely having that same thought I had when I used to dismiss Ibiza and the music

Also I cannot get excited over the chart music....If I hear a proper track then I just want to dance or hit an event on the weekend.
I almost walk into said 'Yates' and see people 'sort' of dancing to a Justin Bieber track and I think.....What a pheasant.
The whole atmosphere of your local venue just doesn't cut it and I cannot take it seriously therefore I have just decided to avoid them now

It is either a quiet social drink or it is a rave. No inbetween
How many people old and young talk about raves and clubbing in your life? Bar the odd 3 people i know, nobody gets involved, knows what music i'm on about the difference between genre, or even knows what a rave is.

I see Alot of People my age are in mid 20s, go to walkabout bars, yatesys etc and think thats proper clubbing.

People in my gym who have been to Ibiza this year came back and say they have smashed it etc . When asked who they saw they replied Tiny Tempa and Craid David??!?! Yet mention afterlife at space and its like Huh?

Like many folk they look at you like your from another planet when you mention the club scene 90s house classics. Different raves, club nights etc

Oh...but they do know DJ EZ who to me is just a chav in a cap.

Example, bang felix dont you want my love on and it gets no recognition. Bang bruno mars on and everyone gets up and dances!

They seem to think everything on the radio thats played is the only thing ever played.

Are we part of a culture that is fading fast? Or a culture that only a selective few know about?

If you think EZ is only a chav in a cap then i'd suggest it's YOU who is showing yourself as completely ignorant which is ironic considering you were clearly wanting everyone to think how awesome and clued up you are.
If you think EZ is only a chav in a cap then i'd suggest it's YOU who is showing yourself as completely ignorant which is ironic considering you were clearly wanting everyone to think how awesome and clued up you are.
The whole garage scene attracts chavs. Not forgetting "roadmans", lets even throw the dustbinmans in whilst we are at it :D
DJ EZs music is the type you'd expect to hear blasting out on the bus by nike tracksuit wearing manbag chavs.

Then again, what do you expect when hes born in Nooorf Landan.

Chris moyles done something similiar for charity a few years back doesnt mean people have to like him :lol:
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The whole garage scene attracts chavs. Not forgetting "roadmans", lets even throw the dustbinmans in whilst we are at it :D
DJ EZs music is the type you'd expect to hear blasting out on the bus by nike tracksuit wearing manbag chavs.

Then again, what do you expect when hes born in Nooorf Landan.

Chris moyles done something similiar for charity a few years back doesnt mean people have to like him :lol:

wow , immense response. Trashed a whole genre of music and crowd and even an area of london in one swoop!

shock news alert , its posiible to have a great time at a garage night , some of the dj's are just as talented as any other dj you might like , and you might meet some really friendly people...
just like every type of music?
wow , immense response. Trashed a whole genre of music and crowd and even an area of london in one swoop!

shock news alert , its posiible to have a great time at a garage night , some of the dj's are just as talented as any other dj you might like , and you might meet some really friendly people...
just like every type of music?
Kurupt Fm for one.
Example, bang felix dont you want my love on and it gets no recognition. Bang bruno mars on and everyone gets up and dances!

They seem to think everything on the radio thats played is the only thing ever played.

To be honest, in Amnesia, they did play likes like Dr.Alban or Ace of Base quite often during the early 90s.
DJ Ez played at Together, Amnesia. The night post the raid back in July.....Was a bit of a messy night and not all DJ's turned up

Gorgon city played their set and the room was loving life....Dj Ez came on and yes it was ok for a little while....But then it got tiresome and you could tell the atmosphere was dropping. The room was half full at about 4am. A fight broke out right next to him. He was blending track into track into track every 30 seconds.

I believe they played longer than they were originally contracted for as they were the only two DJ's on so maybe EZ wasn't prepped. In my opinion he would have been fine for an hour but you do start to miss house/edm after a while