Club Paraiso Apartmants

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Staying in the Club Paraiso Apartments from Friday...anyone stayed here b4 if so what r they like?! also got some mates staying at the this close by?! Can anyone help?! :D
i stayed there last year .....
if your hopeing to pull the opposite sex make sure
its in the apartments as you have no chance of getting anyone
by the guards on the front door .....

and a wee bit to hectic through the day as i was wanting to chill more as i was there with the good lady... there is a quieter pool
right enough.... apart from that ... the rooms are nice ....
they are quite new apts ......
Me and boyfriend stayed at Club Paraiso last year, and we loved it!!! So much that we are going back in 3 weeks time!

I totally agree with Doddy's post tho, nothing gets past the guards in the entrance but it is good in a way as you feel pretty safe. Some of them are quite scary.

It is pretty close to everything, Coastline is just down the hill (about 5 mins walk) on one side of the Hotel with Mambo just along the coast and then the west end just down the hill on the other side (about 10 mins walk). However the only bad thing is that when you return you have to walk back up the hill, which isn't too nice when it is baking hot and you've got a hang over. Thats why we decided to hire a car after 2hours of being there last year.

I found the staff were very helpful and was pretty impressed with the Hotel. I thought the Reception area was rather posh, marble floor and glass roof with a kind of ethnic statue in the middle on a round table.
I havnt got a bad thing to say about Club Paraiso as I has such a brilliant stay there. ;)

P.s The shallow end of the main pool is also a pretty good place for floating around on your lilo for a few hours while you nurse a hangover. Did that last year and got completely sunburnt as I didnt move for literally 2 and half hours. Not wise I know but very relaxing :oops:

I cant wait to go back, 2 weeks off from this place and all the rain. 3 weeks to go, yippee! :D
yes i did that lying in the shallow end as well to nurse a hangover... spot on party girl ....
me and my party go in 3 week but we are staying at other
apts ..... look forward to hearing your reviews as we might even
be at the same nights ....
Cheers 4 the tips peeps! We r staying in 1 of the studios so I dont know if thats 'guarded' as u put it....sounds scary actually?!! in the brochure it said its guarded but u can bring back guests...?! (not that im going there 2 pull but hey u never know?!)
stayed there three years ago and had great fun getting the guards to unlock our door every night because it was sticking! When you can see three doors and are having trouble speaking they weren't too impressed so we bought them a bottle of brandy and they were wicked the rest of the holiday!

Going back there this year again but studios this time and staying round the quiet pool!
I went out there in june, the staff were very helpful, they give u this card and when u get there its toped up with 12 euro's instead of paying with cash u simply put the money on the card, u have to pay 60 euro deposit and u get it back at the end. there is a back road to the west end near the hotel i didn't find this out till the last day be sure to find that out. yeah i tried to bring a girl home but the guards wouldn't let her in, l had to stay at hers :P :lol: anyway have a gr8 time
about 15 friends of mine are staying at paraiso apartments in 2 weeks time and us at marian apts, and i hear its a really cool place, apparantly theres a dj which plays all day and the atmosphere is really great!!

a few mates also stayed there last year and they also said they were very clean ! which is probably a bonus when you think of some shit holes!!
I stayed there last year and found it awful but perhaps my idea of a holiday was different, first of all there are reps everywhere not to mention the ridiculous amount of beer boys playing castles in the sky on repeat. The receptionist staff were very rude, and whoever said it was rather posh must be joking it is far from posh, and impossible to chill.
The only good things were that it was close to chill out bars but to close to the West End.
If you like reps and beer boys then it is porobably good for you, but personally this year I found a much quieter, friendly hotel only a few streets up, that for cheaper was much nicer and we had air parasio don't have that and I spent most nights sleeping on the balcony for cool air.

club paraiso is one ov the best hotels in san an,we met quite a few ppl out there n wen goin back 2 there hotels they were nuthin compared 2 ares.i agree wiv the other post that its very posh and clean compared 2 the other apts,marble floors,swipe cards for the electricity n 2 get ya room key back so that ne stranger carnt jus ask 4 ya room key.the rooms wer big,massive balconys for chillin on wen it gets hot.the only bit i got annoyed wiv wer the security guards, they can b a bit over the top, we wernt no larger louts but we got a written warnin for playin are muzic after 12 even thou it wernt loud,we were on holiday for gods sake wot do they expect,oh n they walk round in their army boots wiv their russian skin head hair cuts lookin like they own the place.

great place all together,

paraiso is shite music gets turned on by the dj at 9 so if u come back and wanna get some kip well u can forget about it, no air con in the rooms, and secruity guards kicked our door down for no reason what so ever they are complete bastards,yes theres a dj which is cool but thats no substitute for loud music in the morning , f*** em

i think u cud ov typed that message wiv a bit more thought,
