Church opening hours St Eularia?

Dave 1

New Member
Does anyone know if the Cemetery inside the grounds of the church overlooking St Eurlaria is open during the week days in September for visitor's? Reason being i've just been told by phone this morning from a couple whom i know & who have just spent 2 wks on the Island that an old chap i knew (of 20 years) living in Es Cana had passed away (topped himself):( & i'd like very much to go on my return to visit his tomb just too say a final farewell. Sounds morbide i know but in his hey day the guy was a well known Celebrity in & around the bars of Es Cana/St Eularia & we often chatted & joked together over a few cool beers & whisky brain damages:D. He was also a very good guitar player although he only played to private parties. Some Spotlighters who have stayed in Es Cana/St Eularia might know of or even met him?

I know people are dying to get in...... but you can visit a graveyard at any time.

Church visiting hours are between 9.30am to 1.30pm Tuesday to Saturday, then in most cases they close the doors.

Sundays are normal church hours and they usually take a day off on Monday.
Cheers Bez,

So look's like an good early morning stroll from Es Canar - St Eularia & back is ithe order8)of the day for my final farewell to the chap.

