Christopher Columbus Was An Ibicenco

it's a terribly odd looking monument, lol. It's even worse during peak season when all the flags are hanging from the hotel balconys.
this is how the egg looked like during the last weeks:


Dual_Life said:
its like me going to your house and saying "I found this house, and claim it for the USA."

Why not?

It's basically what the Israelis did (are doing) with the Palestinians.
Christopher Columbus Was An Ibicenco.
Well known local reporter & historical investigador, Nito Verdera has just released a second part to his theory that Christopher Columbus was actually from the island of Ibiza. In this latest addition to his theory, Nito has used newly discovered maps & illustrations which seem to prove that Columbus new about America before he set off in search of the new land. In fact Noito claims he has proof that the Egyptians, Phoenicians & even the Chinese were at least in South America well before the time of Jesus Christ. Those interested in finding more about Christopher Columbus & why he could actually have been from Ibiza should check out Nito's great web site at

(the ibiza sun)

and now a picture of the egg of columbus!! :P


Did you know Hannibal may have been from Ibiza too?

Now We Know
The Town Hall has published a leaflet in four languages (Spanish, Catalan, English and German) explaining the reasons behind the monument which is commonly known as ‘Colon's Egg', but is actually entitled ‘The Discovery of America'. One of the people present at the demonstration was Nito Verdera, who has an interesting theory that Christopher Columbus was born in Ibiza. The Cultural Councillor, Sara Ramón, explained that the monument was unveiled on the 12th of October 1992, to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America, and is the work of Antonio Hormigo, Julio Bauzá and Luis Ojeda. It was Antonio Hormigo who first mooted the idea, which alludes to the theory at the time that the world was egg-shaped (a vast improvement on the previous ideas which presumed that the earth was flat and one would fall off when one reached the edge!) and the frigate is a replica of the Santa María, captained by Christopher Columbus on his travels. The original idea was to construct a lake, with the sculpture in the centre, but this was ruled out as it took up too much space. Much speculation has always surrounded the origins of the monument, and there are probably several of our readers who have now been enlightened.
Verdera mentioned the “dubious decoration” which was mounted by Antoni Riera Campos to publicize the ‘Punky Party' which was held at the end of January as part of the Patron Saint's Day celebrations, claiming it showed very little respect to the authors of the “masterpiece”.
Another anecdote revealed how the company in charge of the construction of the roundabout (old timers will remember that there used to be traffic lights at this point previously) went bust and the three authors of the work did not receive a penny for their efforts.
Printed with the kind permission of Pep Ribas and Diario de Ibiza

