Christmas Weekend Plans

To anyone left out there....

I'm off in a mo' so hope you all have a great Christmas.

See you in 2011

Be Safe and Have Fun


you working Christmas eve also ??

I'm off in a mo too. so to you Mark and all the rest have a great time with your families, I hope you get spoilt rotten !!
Im still here too!!!!

Have had a great year all round :p

Hopefully 2011 bringing promotion at work and a few surprises ;)
Oh and another trip to Ibiza of course
The pilot was actually quite funny. "Don't blame us, we want to get out of this godforsaken place as quickly as you do"
8) :lol:

I would have preferred to sit in Gatwick for a few hours and then take a 2 hour flight than to be stuck on a plane (to NYC) for 10.5 hours then stand in lines all over again to take another 3 hour flight :evil: Long-distance travel is a killer.

The only upside is that I flew Aeroflot trans-Atlantic which is soooo much better than the poorly-run and nearly-bankrupt US airlines (Delta, United) I've taken the past few years.

But on the downside, I connected with JetBlue which was delayed for the second week in a row (the missus had the same flight last week). At least they comped me a beer.

Anyway, nice to be home for the holidays. Cheers, everyone :D