Christmas Weekend Plans


Active Member
This week I shall mostly be drinking copious amounts of alcohol and eating far too much food.

Thursday - Pre Xmas haircut :p and a few cheeky beers in the evening

Christmas Eve - More drinks at my local in the evening - I will probably over do it like....every year!

Christmas Day - Wake up with a hangover, then remember it's Christmas day and see if Santa has managed to deliver me any presents. I hope he's not taking off from Heathrow. I'll be having a yummy Xmas day dinner, prepared by my mam!

This sounds strange to some, but I don't normally drink an awful lot on Xmas day. I normally feel a bit too rough and I have one eye on Boxing Day. I may goto a friends house in the evening though

Boxing Day - I normally spend all day in the pub with my mates, watching whatever live football is on. Brilliant.
xmas shall be spent

recovering from the trauma of getting to Spain


fending off nosy questions from my family

flicking through spanish tv marvelling at how the proliferation of channels does not equate to a proliferation of choice
Did you make it, Olly?

As for me:

Wednesday - Spent half the fay at home sick (for the first time in recent memory). Went to the office and prepared my Xmas card list for the assistant to send out alongside other various last-minute things. Then a long, wet Xmas dinner with a collection of my closest friends in Moscow, followed by a relatively short outing to R&B night at club Garage. Now trying not to sleep so that I can pass out on the long...

Thursday - ... flight to Florida via NYC.

Fri - Sun - last minute shopping, family time with the missus, the 'rents and the brother w/wife. Xmas gifts and dinner. Maybe a movie. Post-Xmas shopping... you know, the usual :)
yes, eventually

after 7 hours at gatwick, a technical fault was detected on the plane, so another one had to be chartered and I didn't get to BCN until 2pm, which made it about 3 days behind schedule

2 easyjet observations:

1. speedyboarding entitles you to get on the shuttlebus first. However, as the cattle board the same bus immediately after, can someone explain to me the perks of speedyboarding? Or has my sanity finally been vanquished?

2. given the long delays, I was informed by the old dear at the easy (dis)information desk that I was entitled to a complimentary beverage. However, because the replacement plane was operated by a different carrier, this apparently negated the validity of the voucher. At which point I stabbed my head quite hard with a ballpoint pen.

The pilot was actually quite funny. "Don't blame us, we want to get out of this godforsaken place as quickly as you do"

A general observation on gatwick airport (North Terminal). Take your own booze if you have to endure the 1-5am shift in that check in lounge as the bars are shut. The internet is free too which helped to pass the time, in the absence of alcohol or any semblance of conversation with the temporary human dormitory I seemed to find myself in - hundreds of people congregated at various angles and states of discomfort all around me - made the whole experience a gruesome affair.
I guess you could read my xmas plans in any good 'typical family of the 60's, 70's and 80's' book! Good fun all the same, xmas with children is as different to xmas without children could possibly be:D:D

Today: Take my boy xmas shopping so he can shose presents for mummy and little sister :D Work loose ends.

Fri: Get both children out of the house for a couple of hours to allow final wrapping time for wifey. Mid afternoon traditional long pub lunch aside a roaring log fire. No Patrick Stewart - A Christmas Carol on tv this xmas eve (part of our tradition to watch this, even though we know it word for word!) small:)cry:) But prob my fav day of the xmas period :D:D:D

Sat: It's all about the children and driving up to the inlaws.

Sun: Home and chill.

Have a great xmas people, remember, the days are now getting longer and summer 2011 is not far away :D:D:D
Tonight - out for a mate's birthday

Xmas Eve - some mates coming around to see our new place

Xmas Day - Just the missus and I. (In the typical contrary fashion of an old Irish couple, my parents insisted they were going away for the festive period and then invited us to theirs once we'd made arrangements.:lol:)

Champagne breakfast and nice walk to here:

Planning on getting merry so cab back probably.

Haven't decided when to do presents yet. Missus Xmas present will be the largest cooking apple I can find today. If she doesn't realise that her present is a trip to New York, I'll be disappointed!

Boxing Day and the rest - drinking with old friends.

30th - beers with the artist formerly known as X!

NYE - mate's party, fancy dress - need to sort an 'Oscar Night' costume :lol:

NYD - potentially clubbing:eek:

I'm at the office all the non-BH days and I have people working all the time including Xmas Day etc, so I'll be working from the phone, but I'm hoping it won't be too manic...
Thursday - Last day at work thank god, its so quiet here, I know people say how its fun as you dont get to do anything but its boring watching the clock

Xmas Eve - Day off so last minute shopping bits (been bad this year and spent all my money so still got things to get :eek: ), then we are off for dinner in eve with friends, bit of a tradition now, then onto a xmassy pub for drinks

Xmas Day - Its our first xmas in our flat so be just the 2 of us in the morn, might have some champers and open our pressies :lol: then its lunch at the inlaws

Boxing Day - To my families

Rest of days off no doubt sitting around eating, drinking, watching any good DVDs we got for xmas and generally relaxing - bliss
flicking through spanish tv marvelling at how the proliferation of channels does not equate to a proliferation of choice

Spanish TV is crap. Fact. I only have it for little one, we stick to the crap uk TV :lol:

2 easyjet observations:

1. speedyboarding entitles you to get on the shuttlebus first. However, as the cattle board the same bus immediately after, can someone explain to me the perks of speedyboarding? Or has my sanity finally been vanquished?

Agree. It is only worth it if they are using the bridge sytem, then you can grab the wing seat with extra legroom

Oh, and Merry Christmas everyone! :D

And to you Sir. Hope you and Ira have a lovely time with your folks.

Hope to see you on an 'Ibiza' dancefloor next summer !!
...Oh the Christmas plan !!

Today : work :spank: then down the pub tonight with a mate who arrives today.

Christmas eve : Got to work in the morning :spank: (not a holiday here) the tidy up the house in preperation for Christmas day. Wrap pressies than jave the outlaws around for dinner, so i'll try not to get too pi$$edf and annoy them.

Christmas day : Be Awoken by my excited 3 year old at 7 am'ish no doubt :spank: Take medication for bad hangover then give and receive pressies 8)
Go to outlaws midday to give and receive more pressies. Walk the dogs foloowed by my folks comneing round to give and receive more pressies and then eat ourselves silly with the food prepared by myself. Also drink too much and watch crap Christmas TV.

Boxing day is all about recovering, wearing my new christmas jumper and underwear , take a nice walk with the dogs and a bike ride with little one. And we may even climb the 'montgo mountain' weather permiting (see below)

REALLY excited about Christmas this year :) I've got a feeling it's going to be a goodun!!

Tonight - Christmas curry & beers with mates down Brick Lane

Tomorrow - drive to my parents' house, then head down the local pub for festivies with family & friends, really looking forward to this, not done it in years!

Christmas Day - bf leaving to drive over to his family's... I'll stay at Ma & Pa's eating myself silly, with aunt & cousins coming over in the evening for board games, cards & boozing

Boxing day - driving East to see boyfriends family, more food, more booze

27th - driving down to Canterbury for two relaxing days

29th - mates 30th in London

30th - nothing

31st - fancy dress Christmas eve party (Costume has to be first letter of your name, so plan is to go as a Banana)

1st - TBC.... either Ministry or DC10

Exciting times! :D
Today is office lunch at 12 for a couple of hours - no work hopefully after that just collecting presents off my lovely bosses as a thank you for being the bestest PA/Team Manager in the world....- i am almost running on empty today but its last day so will get through it LOL :D

Tonight - Phil is out on a Jolly Boys drink session (so likely home legless by 9.30pm bless him!! :lol:) i get the house to myself to finish wrapping pressies and watching sh** TV i have recorded.

Tomorrow - sisters house to do the present swapping, then our for a few early doors drinks and then nibbles and drinks in the house

Christmas Day - eat, drink, and be very merry snuggled up at home with Phil and he's on dinner duty as per every year!

Boxing Day - weather permitting - off to Liverpool for a couple of days

No other plans after that .....

I wish you all a very merry christmas/happy holidays and a healthy and prosperous New Year!!!!!

spanish tv is unbelievably bad

chatshows where nobody lets anybody else speak
dubbed films in between the ads
tarot reading in the evening
lifestyle shows where cameras quickly zoom in and out of everything and people put on silly voices
CR9 Ronaldo
maybe a pop video from Los 40 Prinicipales
game shows where all the buzzers make incredibly loud dings
south american soap operas where everyone talks very melodramatically
teleshopping at 4am featuring people who always seem to look like the Hoff
porn on one side of screen whilst a thousand text messages from one lonely man appear on the other side.
I'm still chuckling at Olly's post about what the Pilot's said on his flight - you never really think about what a **** time they're having stuck on the tarmac too :lol::lol:
spanish tv is unbelievably bad

chatshows where nobody lets anybody else speak
dubbed films in between the ads
tarot reading in the evening
lifestyle shows where cameras quickly zoom in and out of everything and people put on silly voices
CR9 Ronaldo
maybe a pop video from Los 40 Prinicipales
game shows where all the buzzers make incredibly loud dings
south american soap operas where everyone talks very melodramatically
teleshopping at 4am featuring people who always seem to look like the Hoff
porn on one side of screen whilst a thousand text messages from one lonely man appear on the other side.

I still mourn the passing of TVEi on sky :cry:
To anyone left out there....

I'm off in a mo' so hope you all have a great Christmas.

See you in 2011

Be Safe and Have Fun
